There’s something ultra-captivating about celebrity travel. We see them on social media traveling on private jets with friends, sailing on yatchs with family, and eating at five-star restaurants overseas. Although stardom has some setbacks, the ability to travel when, where and how you want is a pretty big perk.

However, not all celebrity travel is solely glitz and glamour. Some travel for cause-related reasons, while others are interested in connecting with their roots. We rounded up a few of our Favorite Black Celebrity Travel Experiences that the Travel Noire family showed high interest in.

Chance the Rapper in Accra, Ghana

Chance the Rapper’s first trip to Ghana in 2022 was so powerful that he planned a second trip to go back that same year. The rapper thought the trip would be another vacation and instead it changed his life.

He tweeted, “Accra I love you, you save my life.

During his time in Ghana, the rapper submersed himself in the country’s vibrant culture. He explored the arts and music scene, learning about Ghana’s rich history of freedom. Chance’s trips to Ghana inspired him and other artists to create the first “Black Star Line Festival” in Accra in 2023. It is a weeklong festival with art events, panel discussions and a free concert. Through the concert, Chance seeks to bring more Black people abroad to Africa to bridge the cultural gap.

“I want people to see the convergence and similarities in all of these Black lives,” he said. 

Gabrielle Union in Africa

Gabrielle Union embarked on a journey through Africa to connect with her roots, and documented her experience on “My Journey to 50.” Through her exploration of Africa and its culture, the actress confronted past traumas, helping her find peace and grow. On the show, Union took her family and a few close friends along for the journey. The group visited several African countries on their trip, including Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa, and Namibia.

During the trip, Union and Wade received symbolic Ghanian names, drove through the desert in Namibia, drank wine in South Africa and visited the best beaches in Tanzania. The intention of the trip was to celebrate Union’s 50th birthday and reconnect with her heritage. She aimed to break preconceived notions about Africa.

“There was no other place I wanted to spend my 50th birthday,” she said. “It was an experience I’ll never forget and I’m excited for audiences to join me on the journey.”

Yvonne Orji in Belize

Yvonne Orji is a true globetrotter. The actress discussed her experiences traveling abroad to Travel Noire; however, it was her trip to Belize that she recommends to readers. Orji often travels with friends and recommends Mahogany Bay Beach Resort near the Belize Barrier Reef. The reef is a hot spot for divers and snorkelers. It is the largest barrier reef in the northern hemisphere. Orji credits her friend Jubril Agoro and his company, PassportHeavy, for influencing her latest trip to Belize. The company gives visual reviews of various destinations. Its mission “is to craft new narratives around the world that are focused on the intersection of travel and Black culture.”

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