Uber is a popular and trusted ride-share company worldwide. While many travelers use the app and platform without issue, safety has recently become a bigger concern than comfort.

Although not every user has had a negative experience with Uber drivers, there are instances where situations escalate. A recent incident in Chicago is one such example, potentially discouraging people from relying on Uber in certain areas and leading some to seek alternative options.

More On The Angry Uber Driver

On Friday, August 2, a woman, who wished to remain unnamed, reported that an Uber driver sought revenge after receiving a negative review, according to ABC 7 Chicago. The incident occurred in a suburb of Chicago. The driver’s anger stemmed from a low rating given by the woman’s son after an Uber ride to Orland Square Mall.

Her 17-year-old son described the driver as erratic and irritated, particularly after the driver ignored his suggestion to take the expressway for a quicker route. Following the ride, the son rated the driver one star.

What Led To The Harassment

The next day, the woman was visited by a stranger who turned out to be the Uber driver. Claiming that he had picked up someone from her location and that they had left an item in his car, the driver aroused the mother’s suspicion. She knew the item did not belong to anyone in her household and refused to open the door. This seemingly enraged the driver, who began shouting about the one-star rating he had received. He then left the home, but not before grabbing a loose brick and throwing it at her window and car. Although no one was harmed, the situation understandably shook the family.

As her son stated in an interview, “Coming to my home where my mom and my brother lay their heads and I lay my head, it’s scary.” The escalation of the situation was both unnecessary and alarming, raising questions about safety on platforms like Uber. Despite Uber’s conduct guidelines that condemn aggressive and harassing behavior, there are limits to what can be controlled at a corporate level. Travelers encountering similar situations should contact local police or emergency services and file a complaint with Uber for an investigation.