The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) has recently released a regional Artificial Intelligence (AI) guidebook. According to Breaking Travel News, the resource is the first of its kind for any region. The innovative project — spearheaded by CHTA’s Technology Task Force — provides “tailored insights and strategies” for Caribbean hospitality and tourism sectors as AI continues to expand, inform, and impact.

The guidebook’s formal name is the “Artificial Intelligence Transformation Guide for Caribbean Tourism: Insights, Applications, and Future Prospects.” It spans six chapters detailing information about AI’s potential for Caribbean tourism and travel. The project explored AI’s possible applications and best practices for implementation. It also examined ethical considerations and envisioned the region’s future with AI integration. The report considered applications of Generative AI and other AI technologies.

“AI’s impact on travel and tourism is profound, offering significant benefits in personalization, operational efficiency, safety, and sustainability,” Chapter 1 outlined. “However, navigating the challenges and ethical considerations of AI integration is crucial for its successful application. As technology evolves, the travel and tourism industry must adapt to harness the full potential of AI, ensuring a future where travel is more personalized, efficient, safe, and sustainable for all.”

What Will AI’s Future Impact Be on Travel, Hospitality, and Tourism in the Caribbean?

The guidebook emphasized the region’s bright future with AI, going so far as to say there are “unprecedented opportunities.” 

With strategic and technologically sound implementation, the guidebook claimed AI could enhance “guest experiences, operations, and contribute to sustainable practices.”

“Embracing AI not only positions Caribbean hospitality for future success, but also ensures that it remains a competitive and desirable destination in the global tourism landscape,” noted Chapter 6.

What Is CHTA?

CHTA’s website characterizes the organization within the private sector of Caribbean hospitality and tourism. The site notes that it’s comprised of 33 national hotel associations from the region. Additionally, CHTA collaborates with over 1,000 “hotel and allied members.”