A – once- a decade flower festival is happening in Almere, Netherlands this year. The event is the largest of its kind in the country. According to the website, the International Horticultural Exhibition Floriade is a place where, “experts from all over the world come together… to present green solutions that make our cities more enjoyable, beautiful and sustainable.”
Floriade was first introduced in 1960 and was hosted in Rotterdam. It has also been in Zoetermeer, Haarlemmermeer and Amsterdam. It moved from Venlo to Almere this decade. And, it’s happening in 2022. In fact, it starts April 15.

The theme of this rare show is Growing Green Cities, well suited for the world’s current situation of growing beyond our means. The horticulture festival starts in April and ends in October, only to occur again in 10 years.
Twenty one countries will be representing 400 different flora and fauna presentations at Floriade this year. Each country represents a piece of the festival and has a unique take and display for Floriade. Germany will be presenting a city and nature piece, representing the ability for the two to seamlessly co-habitat. China will have a growing bamboo garden, while Greece will focus on a blooming, sustainable gardening.

It’s not just flowers that are presented at this gigantic garden display. Floriade also has a plethora of plants that produce all kinds of edible delights. Visit the Greenhouse and learn all about the Dutch plants from seed to table. Feast on these delicious treats at the mostly vegetarian, Greenhouse Restaurant.
The festival is so big, in fact, that after the festival ends, a new district will have been created. Almere is calling the district Hortus and it will be turned into a growing, green city of its own. Visit Floriade and, “Dive into the theme ‘Growing Green Cities’ and learn more about developments in the field of greenery, food, health and energy.”