An incident involving a top British lawyer, his two children, and the family’s nanny created an agitation on a British Airways flight. As the Daily Mail reported, the passenger’s family was kicked off a flight from London to Turin last Sunday. The incident started when Charles Banner, 41, found out that despite the family’s nanny being booked in business class, the flight had been oversold.

Banner did not accept the situation and argued with the airline’s cabin crew. The result was the whole family being booted from the plane due to his alleged unruly conduct. The airline stated that it does not tolerate “disruptive behavior.”

Banner, 41, has accused British Airways staff members of being “rude” to him. He told the Daily Mail that he had booked the nanny in business class so he and his wife could work while the nanny looked after their two children, who are one and four years old. When he asked the cabin crew whether the nanny could sit in a spare business class seat, the airline insisted there was no extra seat in the cabin.

The climate between the lawyer and the cabin crew became heated, and the pilot insisted the family be kicked off the flight, according to Daily Mail. The police were called, and the family was escorted off the plane.

“If BA had told me that the nanny could not sit with us in business, then we would not have traveled and could have got a later flight. But they only told us that when we got to the boarding gate,” Banner told MailOnline.

“I behaved perfectly, but I was challenging the cabin crew because it was the right thing to do,” he continued. “The pettiness and vindictiveness of the staff caused this. I was being very polite about the whole thing.”

Banner and his family booked a hotel near the airport and traveled from London Gatwick Airport the next day with EasyJet, MailOnline reported. Recognized as a leader in his field, he has been a member of Queen’s Counsel, since 2019. He practices across multiple jurisdictions, as well as internationally.

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