Nantucket, the vacation island off the coast of Massachusetts, has just officially legalized going topless on the beach.
Nantucket's Beaches
A local group called “Gender Equality on Beaches” proposed an amendment that allows men and women to be nude from the wait up on Nantucket’s beaches. Voters from the island already approved the amendment earlier this year. However, the decision became official on December 6 when Attorney General Maura Healey approved it.
Topless Approved

Before the amendment, women would risk fines of up to $300 and face prison for going topless on the island.
In a statement from Healey’s office, it states although the decision is controversial, there are no specific laws that conflict with the decision.
“We approve the Town’s vote authorizing any person to go topless on any public or private beach in Nantucket because we discern no conflict between the vote and the Constitution or laws of the Commonwealth. The Town has the authority to choose what activities it will allow on town beaches,” she wrote.