Liberian teenager Emmanuel Tuloe discovered $50,000 on the side of the road while working for his family’s taxi business in his home country of Monrovia, Liberia. Instead of taking it home for himself, he returned the cash to its original owner.

When he heard a broadcast from a local citizen that she lost this amount of money, Tuloe contacted the Liberian radio station and located the owner to return the money he found.

“I was afraid because it was plenty (of money) and so I brought it home and gave it to my aunty to keep until the owner could ask for it,” the 18-year-old said during an interview.

Tuloe even mentioned that some friends and fellow Liberians teased him for his heroic deed, saying that he should have kept the money for his family.

“Since my decision, when I have a breakdown on the highway and some of my rider friends see me, they don’t help. They say I acted stupid to find and return money,” he said.

Salisbury, North Carolina HBCU Livingstone College heard about Emmanuel Tuloe’s honorable deed and reached out to him for a scholarship opportunity. Through the college’s past history and heavy involvement with the A.M.E Zion Church that helped fund the school, Tuloe’s Liberian heritage connected him to his dream opportunity.

The opportunity to return to school is one that has been on Tuloe’s mind and heart for years. He had to drop out of school in the seventh grade to help run the family motorcycle taxi business while bringing in additional income.

“I will ask him [the school’s president] to encourage other young people to leave motorcycling and go to school because there’s nothing in it (the motorcycle taxi business),” he said in an interview.

The HBCU funds two Liberian students’ tuition every four years, and Tuloe caught the attention of the university’s president, Jimmy Jinkens. The Liberian Organization that hosts these students’ collegiate careers reached out to Jinkens and urged him to assist Tuloe with his educational journey.

Now, Emmanuel Tuloe will be attending the school and visiting the HBCU soon.

The offer is all a part of Hunder’s initiatives to help the youth community of Liberia receive more financial and professional opportunities through higher education. Also, Tuloe received $1,500 from the original owner of the $50,000 he found by himself.

Tuloe is leading a moral example for younger generations that money doesn’t always equal success, but holding down your community and support system can get you even further.

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