As an only child, I enjoy my space. So much so, I take about 80-90% of my trips solo. Yes, it’s just me, myself, and I. It’s something about the solitude and not having to be on other people’s schedule that brings me so much peace in my travels.
However, there are a few things that absolutely annoy me when traveling by myself. The number one, people I encounter while traveling who constantly ask “Is it just you?”
Yes! It’s just me. Why is that so hard to believe? Then comes the follow-ups of “Where’s your husband or boyfriend? Where are your friends?” It’s almost as though being alone means there is something wrong with me. Let me live.
Related: New To Solo Travel? Keep These Tips In Mind Before You Go
I recently took a trip to Cabo, Mexico. Cabo is definitely a couples or girls trip type of destination and a lot of things are catered to those demographics, but, I came across an interesting set of reactions to me being solo.

This time around, when I gave my typical, dry, slightly annoyed, “yes, I’m alone” many people reacted with “Wow! You’re so lucky.” I even got quite a few “You’re so brave, I wish I was like that.”
It all took me by surprise, especially the people who said I was lucky to be alone. Many people expressed their desire to want to travel alone and not have to answer to anyone while on their trip. For once I didn’t feel like the outlier but now I sort of felt empowered.
I was empowered knowing that something I was once negatively judged for is now something that people are looking up to me for. I felt empowered knowing that by doing something that was already natural for me, I have now potentially inspired people to create their own solo journey.
Traveling solo, especially as a woman, is a great thing. It allows you to learn your own strength and it definitely tests your mental. I highly encourage everyone to take at least one solo trip in their lifetime. If you don’t enjoy it, that’s fine too. At least you can say you gave it a try.
Of course, research the place that you choose to go to and always be aware of your surroundings. Trust me, you’ll be okay.
But don’t miss out on seeing the world or destinations that you’ve been dreaming of traveling to because you can’t find people to go with you. You’ll regret that more.