A major challenge for many professionals aspiring to live a location-independent lifestyle is transitioning from a stateside profession to working remotely. Whether you want to leverage your current skills to start a new business or pivot into one that provides more freedom and flexibility, the how is what so many want to know.
For Dricka Carter, the idea of expanding the impact of her wealth development firm, Carter Capital, came from her personal interest in helping others realize their wealth goals.
After six years of building her tax business, Carter created a solution to help established and aspiring business owners gain access to resources and industry experts to actualize their financial goals. That solution has opened the door for Carter to expand her imprint to international destinations like Tulum and Toronto.
Starting as a tax boot camp in a mansion set in her hometown of New Orleans in 2020, Carter hosted an entrepreneur’s dream brand-building weekend with experts in marketing, branding, banking and insurance. From learning about federal government contracting to how to tap into the Airbnb industry and earn passive income, the Summit encourages attendees to go all-in on their wealth goals. After a successful first run in New Orleans, Carter was instantly motivated to take the Wealth Development Summit to other cities.
Now, in its fourth year, the Wealth Development Summit gathers more than 60 business-minded Black professionals annually. The four-day event includes mastermind sessions, networking mixers and live training centered around wealth-building and insider knowledge on profitable revenue-generating industries. The 2023 Wealth Development Summit is heading to Toronto this Aug. 3 to Aug. 7. Head over to their website for more information on this year’s lineup and destination details.
Travel Noire spoke with Carter to learn more about her motivation to create the Wealth Development Summit and how the CEO created a new stream in her own business through travel.
Travel Noire: What inspired you to create the Wealth Development Summit?
Dricka Carter: I saw a gap in the market with a lack of communication. People didn’t know how to set up their businesses properly [and were] purchasing things, such as software, training and events [without] knowing what they were getting, how to get business insurance or that they need a business bank account.
All of these were missing pieces to the puzzle. I wanted to have all of those missing pieces in one room. Whether it was a one-day event or a four-day experience, which is what it has grown to now. Our four-day experience [this year] is going to Toronto. [2022] was the first year taking it international, going to Tulum, but we brought some heavy hitters that can help get your wealth up.
Many people flew in, drove in and came from all over the world to network, learn and attend a two-day boot camp. We took it on the road with my dream team, who helped Carter Capital and Carter and Associates get to where they are.

TN: Tell us a little bit about the details of the summit. What happens over this multi-day event?
DC: We had yoga every morning. That’s something that most business owners don’t have time to do or don’t think they have time to do.
We flew out our bank to educate them on loan options for your tax company. Think about just getting into the tax industry and you’re in the room with the bank you need to give you $100,000. You’re in the room with a tax coach that’s been teaching hundreds of people how to start and grow their own tax companies. You’re in the room with [a leading] fitness trainer and wealth and development coach that can help you get your mind right. Because health is wealth, right?
We had business on-the-spot workshops, vision board parties [and] a welcome night. Imagine a bunch of our people in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

TN: What advice would you give to someone who wants to tap into the travel space, but isn’t sure how to do it based on your experience?
DC: Based on my experience, work with a travel agent. My travel agent made everything so seamless, and I cannot express how much more gratitude I could have. When it comes to a trip of this caliber, or when you’re going international, you need guidance. She put together packages, communicated with the hotel, and got our menus and excursions together, [had] our rooms set up, [got] decorations, DJs and sections in clubs, internationally.
We needed that component. [Our travel agents,] Gabby and Trina are lifesavers and will be handling all of our trips going forward.
Life hack: hire a travel agent on retainer, so that any time you want to go somewhere or come up with an idea, [you can] let them do their job. Don’t stress yourself out trying to do everything. Put the offer together, get your travel agent and life will be easier.
Don’t limit yourself. When I started out with the event travel space, I went to places that I wanted to go. Now, I look more at my analytics. Where are the people that support me? Where are the people that are following my journey?
This article has been edited and condensed for length and clarity.