Jennifer Silva, also known as Jennie Tempestade, is a stunning 64-year-old Brazilian grandmother who lives in Rio de Janeiro. She recently went viral on the internet for sharing an inside look at her lifestyle, considered by many to be unusual.

With her standout gray Afro, this great-grandmother has become what many consider an influencer, after sharing her lively Instagram account. Currently, Jennie has around 50,000 followers.

Jennie lives in Madureira, a Rio de Janeiro’s neighborhood know to be the Blackest neighborhood in the city. She says she never dreamed of becoming an influencer. It happened after a photo in which she was at a party went viral.

Comments poured in about the woman who looks not a day over 50 years, but who oozes sensuality.

After gaining tons of new followers, she realized she could influence other women of age, to increase their self-esteem— regardless of age, weight and demands put on women according to beauty standards.

“I love to live a healthy lifestyle. Every year I do my check-up to make sure I’m okay. I want to be able to go to parties, the beach and travel with my husband,” Jennie told Travel Noire.

This 64-year-old Brazilian grandmother also says that she loves to exercise not only for aesthetic reasons, but also to stay healthy.

However, despite showing positivity in her posts, Jennie says she receives criticism from haters because of her way of being.

“Many people criticize me for the way I live my life. They criticize my gray hair, my clothes. But I don’t care because I’m happy, and I feel beautiful. I tell women to value themselves, accept who they are, and be happy. Be yourself and don’t care about other people’s opinions related to your body and your way of being. Love a lot and be loved by your partners.”