If you’re looking for something a little different to do with your crew, you should definitely consider a dope girls night in. As the temperatures continue to drop, you’ll want to look for fun indoor alternatives and this is a great option.

Considering a girls night in? Here’s what you’ll need to ensure your experience is top-notch.

Photo by @iamcoopernicus_


First and foremost, you’ll need a place to host your night in. While hotels can be a great option, Airbnb is perfect for this occasion. (Keep in mind that the company is no longer allowing party houses so if that’s the type of night you’re looking for, this won’t be for you.)

You’ll want to book a house that is large enough for your crew to crash while also giving you enough space to lounge around or play games. For a group of 4 or less, a 2-bedroom spot is perfect.

If you’re in or near Charlotte, NC there is an amazing suite in the uptown area that’s perfect for your girls night in. Nuvole 22 is a popular rooftop and bar in the area and they also happen to have a private penthouse suite just across the hall.

Photo by @brokeandabroadlife

This condo is decked out with a customizable fireplace, city views that will take your breath away, a kitchen straight from the future, and whirlpool tub perfect for relaxing the night away.

No matter what city you’re in, there will definitely be something to accommodate your group.

Eats and Drinks

Since you’re keeping the fun inside, you’ll need to stock up on food and drinks so that you don’t have to leave for anything. This is a time to let loose and kick back, so the calories won’t count.

Whether it’s pizza, Chinese food, or tons of French fries this is the perfect opportunity to pig out for a night.

Of course, you can’t forget your wine. There are several Black-owned and Black-woman owned wine brands popping up on the market and this gives you a reason to support. Grab a bottle from The McBride Sisters, Ole’ Orleans, or Davidson Wine Co. to round out a fun night.

Photo by @iamcoopernicus_

The Fun

Depending on your crew, a fun night can consist of several things. First things first, you’ll want to get cozy in cute PJs because well you gotta do it for the Gram. As they say, if you don’t take a picture then it never happened. A girls night in is a great way to add in an impromptu photoshoot for you and your friends.

Next, have everyone bring their favorite board or card game for the night. There are also tons of apps like Heads Up that will bring hours of laughs and a little friendly competition.

If you’re not into games, have each person think up 3 topics for you all to discuss throughout the night. As you’re lounging around chowing down, you can have a little girl talk as well.

Related: The 13 Best Cities For A Girls Trip