Lee Daniels directed The Deliverance, a horror film recently released on Netflix. Inspired by a true story, this film is a must-watch for horror and supernatural fans. The 2024 movie draws from the experiences of Latoya Ammons and her family, who claimed to have lived in a haunted home in Indiana in 2011, where they experienced strange and terrifying occurrences.

The supernatural activity reportedly intensified after the family moved to a new home on Carolina Street in Gary, Indiana. The Deliverance reimagines the chilling tale of this unfortunate family, and the film has gained popularity since its release. However, the filming locations may surprise viewers.

Filming Locations for The Deliverance

Although the real events took place in Indiana, producers selected Pennsylvania as the primary filming location for several reasons. Pennsylvania offered financial incentives, making it a cheaper option to film. Additionally, its terrain and aesthetic closely resembled Gary, Indiana, allowing filmmakers to create a similar atmosphere for the retelling of this eerie story. By filming in Pennsylvania, producers aimed to present the story as authentically as possible. Though not where the hauntings occurred, Pennsylvania is still a great fall vacation destination. Here are the main filming locations for The Deliverance and what they offer visitors.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Here is what travelers should know about The Deliverance filming locations.
pictured: Pittsburgh
Henry Dixon/Unsplash

Key scenes: Jackson’s family home, school, and church scenes  

Best time to visit: Late spring or early fall  

Transportation options: Bus and light rail

Pittsburgh served as the primary filming location for The Deliverance. Although the real-life events took place in Indiana, the movie was filmed in several Pittsburgh neighborhoods, each with a distinct vibe. The film features three areas in particular: East Liberty, Braddock, and Brighton Heights.

East Liberty

East Liberty neighborhood of Pittsburgh featuring Kelly's Bar and Lounge, Pizza Vesuvio, and Bistro 66

East Liberty is home to several of The Deliverance’s church scenes, filmed at East Liberty Presbyterian Church. For decades, the area was economically depressed despite its central location, equidistant from Downtown, Oakland’s college district, and the upscale shopping area of Shadyside. Now, East Liberty has transformed into a hub of arts and commerce, boasting independent galleries and high-end national brands like Whole Foods and the ACE Hotel.


Skyline of Braddock, Pennsylvania featuring rows of houses

Braddock, used for both interior and exterior café scenes, was hit hard by the decline of the steel industry. It was once home to some of U.S. Steel’s most prolific mills, but the town did not benefit from the tech and medical boom that Pittsburgh experienced. However, in 2006, then-Mayor John Fetterman, now a U.S. senator, initiated a revitalization plan that helped attract local college graduates by offering affordable housing, spurring the area’s rebirth.

Brighton Heights/North Side

The residential neighborhood of Brighton Heights provided stunning shots of Pittsburgh as a city nestled in a valley at the confluence of three rivers: the Allegheny, Ohio, and Monongahela. Part of Pittsburgh’s North Side, Brighton Heights is a quiet area that residents prefer to keep uneventful. However, it’s just a short ride on a PAT bus to some of Pittsburgh’scultural gems, including the Andy Warhol Museum, the Mattress Factory (a contemporary art installation space), Heinz Field, and more.

A Hauntingly Wonderful City

Pittsburgh is a great destination worth visiting, and its rich history may have contributed to its selection as a filming location for The Deliverance. Visitors can explore its many historical attractions, museums, and parks. Additionally, Pittsburgh is known for its haunted history, with several ghost tours available that delve into the city’s spooky past. It’seven considered one of the most haunted cities in America, making it the perfect destination for thrill-seekers in the fall.

Additional things to do: Pittsburgh boasts a thriving art scene. Visitors should check out top attractions like The Frick Pittsburgh Museums & Gardens, The Pittsburgh Children’s Museum, and the Carnegie Museum of Art and Natural History.

Where to eat: Pittsburgh offers a range of beloved eateries. Notable spots include Primanti’s, famous for its French fry-loaded sandwiches; Pamela’s, a favorite breakfast stop for the Obamas; The Church Brew Works, and Max’s Allegheny Tavern.

Where to stay: Central Pittsburgh is the ideal area for visitors to stay. Highly recommended hotels include the Omni William Penn and Kimpton Hotel Monaco Pittsburgh.