So many people dream of having the freedom to travel the world and get paid in the process. While it is very possible to do so, many people simply don’t know the steps to take.
Becoming a digital nomad is one of the most common ways to have the freedom of living anywhere in the world and still being able to bring in income. This lifestyle differs from that of an expat. Expats typically move to a location for work and stay in that location for an indefinite period of time. Digital nomads, on the other hand, work remotely and have the freedom to move about the world whenever they feel.
In this mini series, we will speak with a few travelers who have mastered the digital nomad lifestyle.

Jazzie Moore is from South Central, Los Angeles. She and her husband have packed up their American life and set out to explore the world, all while getting paid. They are currently in a beautiful beach town in Vietnam, living their best lives.
Jazzie makes and sells body butter online while her husband makes and sells art. She also hosts a series of masterclasses, retreats, and does speaking engagements around the world.
We spoke with her via email about her life as a digital nomad.

Photo courtesy of Jazzie Moore
Travel Noire: What does being a digital nomad mean to you?
Jazzie: To me, it means location independence while working remotely. I can pick my location based on its beauty rather than the proximity from work. It means if I want to live on the beach in Mexico for 3 months then live in Thailand for 6 months, I can. But most importantly, it means if I need to work from home with a sick family member, I can.

TN: How long did it take you to reach true DN status?
Jazzie: It took about a a year of living abroad for us to figure out how to really make money remotely, without applying to thousands of remote jobs posted online.
We started out in Mexico. We weren’t making a lot of money initially but it was cheaper over there so it worked out in addition to living off of our savings. Then we headed to Southeast Asia.

TN: Do you prefer the DN lifestyle over being an expat?
Jazzie: Most times yes, sometimes no. But, they are quite similar. I have gotten tired of having all my belongings on me & have decided on a home base. But I do enjoy the freedom of leaving when we are ready.
TN: Where are you headed next?
Jazzie: Honestly, I just decided I am tired of moving so much and have settled here in Vietnam for the next year. We will travel from here. I have a retreat in Bali so I’ll be there for September for sure.

Related: The Black Expat: ‘ I Moved To Vietnam With No Job Lined Up’
TN: Any tips to help others on their journey to become DNs?
Jazzie: Figure out how to profit your passion & use the internet to your advantage. We have these fancy phones in our hands and they are powerful. Use it wisely and stop scrolling all day. I say that with love. And remember, moving abroad will not solve all your problems. If anything they will make you face them head on. If you need help, check out my website for consulting services.
TN: Where can we find you online?
Jazzie: I can be found on Instagram @blackdigitalnomad @jazzziebynature and on my website: