Tash Haynes is a dynamic force in the travel community. The lifestyle influencer recently hosted a transformative retreat, bringing together travel creators to foster sisterhood and connection. The setting was her hometown – Seattle, Washington. Through a carefully curated weekend of shared experiences, Haynes created a space where women could bond, collaborate, and inspire one another.

Travel Noire spoke with Haynes to learn more about her vision for bringing creators together and what future attendees can expect.

Photo credit: Tash Haynes

Travel Noire: What inspired you to start your creator retreat, and what is its core vision? 

Tash Haynes: Despite the abundance of Black creators, there are few spaces where we can come together and challenge each other. Plus, grow in our craft within a supportive community. My vision was to create a space that showcases our unique talents and contributions. All while, fostering sisterhood and connection through shared travel experiences in new and exciting destinations.

TN: How does your retreat specifically foster a sense of sisterhood among the participants? 

TH: In this environment, there’s no need to explain or justify our unique experiences and idiosyncrasies constantly. It’s a safe haven where we can be authentic, support one another, and celebrate our shared culture without reservation. This foundation of understanding and mutual respect naturally nurtures strong bonds of sisterhood.

TN: What unique activities or experiences do you offer at your retreats that help women connect and bond? 

TH: For our inaugural retreat, I invited attendees to Washington to immerse themselves in the unique culture and life of the Pacific Northwest. As a Seattle native, I often receive questions about the diversity of this region, and many are surprised to learn that there is a vibrant African American community here!

Welcoming the ladies to my hometown was the first step in creating a meaningful experience. I designed the retreat to include both city and coastal experiences. We started by exploring iconic Seattle landmarks, then transitioned to a stay on the Washington Coast in the charming beach town of Seabrook. Here, we engaged in various bonding activities such as bonfires, outdoor picnics, wine tasting, and candle making.

I also added special touches like pop-up tattoos, journal times, photo shoots, a crab boil, and a festive Juneteenth celebration. These activities showcased the beauty and culture of the PNW but also provided ample opportunities for connection and camaraderie.

TN: How do you believe travel contributes to building deeper connections among women? 

TH: I believe that travel has a unique way of breaking down barriers and fostering deep connections among women. When we travel together, we step out of our everyday environments and routines, opening ourselves up to new experiences and perspectives. This creates a sense of community as we navigate unfamiliar places and cultures together.

The challenges and joys of travel encourage us to rely on each other, share stories, and offer support, which builds trust and intimacy. Exploring new destinations [also] allows us to reflect on our lives and identities. [This] often leads to meaningful conversations long after the trip ends. In essence, travel creates a fertile ground for sisterhood to flourish, as we connect through shared experiences, mutual understanding, and the collective discovery of the world around us. 

Photo credit: Tash Haynes

TN: Can you share a retreat highlight?

TH: People are desperate to be heard and seen. What was most powerful about the retreat was creating the space and watching the women show up for each other. They stood in the gap, shared their stories, offered support, and genuinely cared for one another. It was a joy to witness such authentic connections and the true spirit of sisterhood in action. I think the new and neutral environment made it easier for that to happen organically. 

TN: What challenges have you faced in organizing these retreats, and how have you overcome them? 

TH: One of the primary challenges in organizing these retreats is accommodating the busy schedules of entrepreneurial women, especially those juggling full-time jobs, content creation, or motherhood. Competing for their time means ensuring the retreat offers value, making it worth leaving behind their homes, children, jobs, and responsibilities.

To overcome this, I focus on creating an enriching and transformative experience. Every aspect of the retreat is designed to provide memorable photo opportunities as well as life-giving and soul-enriching experiences. This involves curating activities and experiences that foster connections, personal growth, and professional development. By prioritizing quality and meaningful engagement, I aim to ensure that the investment of time and money feels worthwhile.

TN: What are your plans for the creator retreat, and how do you envision expanding or enhancing the experience? 

TH: Looking ahead, I see the creator retreat becoming a must-attend event for Black creators from all over. I want to take the retreat to different destinations to explore new cultures and environments together, which will add to the creative inspiration.

In addition, I plan to add more specialized workshops and bring guest speakers who can offer insights on content creation, personal growth, and entrepreneurship. I also want to include more interactive activities that tie into our travel, gastronomy, and connection themes.

Building a strong alumni network is another key focus so past participants can stay connected, share resources, and support each other even after the retreat. I aim to keep refining and expanding the experience to make it even more impactful, empowering Black creators to thrive in their personal and professional lives.

TN: What advice would you give to other women looking to build online communities and foster sisterhood through travel? 

TH: My advice is to be authentic to yourself. Share your actual experiences and passions—people connect with genuine stories. Building a community is about creating a space where everyone feels seen and valued. Engage with your audience regularly and encourage them to share their stories.

When it comes to travel, show how these experiences can bring people together and create lasting bonds. Start small with events or meet-ups, and be consistent. Show up for your community and be open to collaboration and learning from others. Building a community is a journey, and growing with your members is important. Above all, foster a culture of support and encouragement. When women lift each other, amazing things happen. Travel can create shared experiences that deepen connections and build a strong sisterhood.

This article has been edited and condensed for length and clarity.