We all love to pack our bags and head to the next destination on our bucket list, but long flights with little movement can create the perfect storm for blood clots, especially for women on birth control. The condition is known as deep vein thrombosis or DVT. DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein, most commonly in the lower leg, thigh, or pelvis, as explained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


You’re probably wondering why women on birth control are more susceptible to blood clots, and how compression socks can help keep your blood flowing on your next flight.


Well, the short answer is many of the new forms of birth control pills containing progestogen hormones (testosterone) can up the risk, but the likelihood of having a clot is 0.3 to 1 percent over ten years of a woman being on the pill, according to WebMD. Since airplane seats can be tight and getting up to move about the cabin isn’t always ideal, compression socks can be a great source not just for birth control users, but for women that are pregnant or that have recently given birth.


Compression socks aren’t just cozy (although that is a perk), they keep the blood out of your veins by squeezing it back into the flow of the body and reducing swelling.


If you’re prone to blood clots or have them in your family history, be sure to keep your legs uncrossed during flight and get up every hour to stretch and take a lap around the plane. Your seatmate will be okay.


Again, blood clots as a result of taking the pill are rare and preventable, but it’s always important to take care of your body even when you’re on the go!