When people go camping, they often take steps to create a barrier between themselves and nature. While this might seem contradictory — given that camping is usually about connecting with the outdoors — many prefer glamping over roughing it. On the other hand, more adventurous campers enjoy rustic, minimalist experiences.

A growing trend, naturist camping, takes this connection with nature to a new level. For some, this practice may seem unusual, but for others, it has led to profound self-discovery and acceptance. There’s also been an increase in unique tourism opportunities, including those focused on nudity. 

Black people continue to innovate in the travel and outdoor industries, with trends like naturist camping creating distinct spaces where they can freely enjoy nature alongside others who look like them. This lifestyle is open to anyone with an interest, and there’s plenty to learn.

More On Naturist Camping

Naturism is not just a fad; it’s a lifestyle centered on non-sexual nudity in society, with a long history and a surprisingly large following. Depending on local laws, it can be practiced in private and public settings. The concept is part of a cultural movement that has existed for centuries. Many cultures throughout history have embraced casual nudity, and according to Britannica, the modern practice can be traced back to Germany. While public nudity isn’t widely accepted, it’s more normalized in some areas.

Why Do People Choose Naturist Camping?

Though the naturist lifestyle has existed for a long time, it has seen a resurgence as part of the camping experience. Camping is already known for promoting serenity, simplicity, and a sense of freedom. Naturist camping takes this a step further by allowing people to enjoy nature in the nude, or at least with clothing being optional.

This experience is said to enhance the healing and liberating aspects of nature immersion. It also encourages body positivity and self-acceptance, as participants are challenged to simply let their bodies exist without judgment. With the growing interest in sustainability and authentic connections with nature, naturist camping aligns well with a minimalist lifestyle. Despite what some may think, naturist campers follow a code of etiquette. However, it’s not always easy to find spaces where nudity is accepted.

Where Can You Go Naturist Camping?

For those interested in naturist camping, there are numerous options available. Some campsites are dedicated to naturists, while others offer separate areas where nudity is allowed. The rules vary widely depending on the country or region.

Since naturism is a global movement, there are platforms that provide information and recommendations for naturist campsites and other spaces. According to Naturist.guide, Florida and Washington have some of the highest numbers of naturist campsites in the U.S. Internationally, France and the Netherlands are among the most popular destinations for naturists. These platforms also list other naturist-friendly areas, such as nude beaches.

Traveler Tip: Before embarking on a naturist camping trip, be sure to research your destination to ensure you feel comfortable and safe.