45-year-old Egyptian Magdy Eissa has shattered the Guinness World Record for the fastest visit to all seven wonders of the world. Completing his whirlwind journey in just 6 days, 11 hours, and 52 minutes, Eissa has redefined the boundaries of rapid international travel. Eissa’s extraordinary achievement surpassed the previous record set by Englishman Jamie McDonald by an impressive margin of 4.5 hours.

Eissa’s journey began at the Great Wall of China, setting the stage for an adventure spanning continents and cultures. From there, he visited the following wonders in rapid succession: Taj Mahal, India; Petra, Jordan; Colosseum, Rome; Christ the Redeemer, Brazil; Machu Picchu, Peru; Chichén Itzá, Mexico.

A Dream Of Setting A New World Record Realized

The record-breaking trip was no small feat. It required extensive preparation and precise execution. Eissa spent a year and a half planning his route. “I had to navigate a complex web of flights, trains, buses, subways and walking between transportation hubs and the Wonders,” Eissa explained to Guinness World Records. “A single disruption could derail the entire itinerary and result in a flight back home.” One of the most challenging legs of the trip was reaching Machu Picchu in Peru.

This trip took over a day, involving multiple forms of public transport and considerable walking. Despite the breakneck pace of his travels, Eissa found moments of personal significance along the way. He was able to reconnect briefly with an old acquaintance he hadn’t seen in years. “Being able to reconnect, even briefly, with a familiar face amidst the whirlwind of the record attempt was a cherished moment,” he told Guinness World Records.

Moreover, while in Peru, he was surprised and delighted by the sight of alpacas, a memorable encounter amid his record-breaking pursuit. For Eissa, this journey fulfilled a childhood dream. The combination of visiting the Seven Wonders of the World and breaking a world record left Eissa with an “immense sense of personal accomplishment.”