There are few places in northern California where people can experience a wine tasting during the day and a luxury slumber when night falls. That’s just one aspect that makes the adventure at Teneral Cellars at Wilderotter Vineyard and the Grand Reserve Inn vastly different from what many Northern California vineyards offer.

This vineyard and inn are unique because the property is co-owned by two underrepresented groups of people who are overwhelmingly left out of the industry: women and people of color.

Representation in The Industry

Jill Osur and Tracy Prigmore are changing what has too often been the norm in the industry. In America, less than 10 percent of the vineyards are owned by women. Even more startling is the fact that Black Americans own less than 1 percent. When guests arrive to enjoy the beautiful 40-acre property, they’re joining Osur and Prigmore as conduits of change.

Osur is the founder and owner of the impact wine brand Teneral Cellars. She met Prigmore at Enterprising Women, an event honoring and supporting leading female entrepreneurs and leaders nationwide. Prigmore founded the Virginia-based company TLTsolutions and She Has a Deal. She was honored at the event as a leading Black hotelier, real estate developer, and investor. The two instantly connected. When Osur approached Prigmore about the opportunity to acquire the property, Prigmore jumped at the transformative opportunity.

“When we open a bottle [of wine], we open those necessary conversations, and we create a company dedicated to lifting and supporting other women in the wine industry,” Osur tells Travel Noire. “Tracy and I fully believe that the rising tide lifts all boats, and for us, that is being very intentional about everything we do.”

The women donate 10% of all profits to organizations that empower women and fight for gender and racial justice. Beyond their charitable efforts, Jill and Tracy have opened a lane for women to build generational wealth as investors.

“Our platform has helped women enter the commercial real estate industry,” Tracy says. “When Jill and I put together this incredible investment opportunity, it brought in 80% Women investors, which is more than any project I’ve ever done. This allows women to create wealth through private equity investments, not just real estate or business. Private equity is the biggest growth area for individuals to build wealth.”

What To Expect On The Property

Wilderotter Vineyard and the Grand Reserve Inn Vineyard are nestled at the base of northern California’s Sierra Foothills. The property is located in Plymouth — just one hour from Sacramento and less than two hours from Lake Tahoe.

There are numerous award-winning and unique wines inside its tasting room, including Osur’s brand. Tastings take place in intimate settings for relaxing and socializing with loved ones while learning more about the region’s unique wine culture.

“We want everyone and anyone walking into our tasting room to feel comfortable with where they’re at, and by the time they leave, we want them to have more wine knowledge,” says Osur. “We have a sensory wheel that helps people identify what they’re smelling and tasting, and whether that’s in the area of acid, minerality, or fruit.”

In addition to the tastings, local artists and musicians are on display. The vineyard and inn host various fairs and live music on the weekend to support women craft makers.

“We love our men, too,” says Osur. “We must be inclusive and supportive, and it’s great that 20% of our investors are men. Women are 52 percent of the population, and we’re very intentional about supporting other women in the region.”