In 2023, the world stands at a crossroads, grappling with an insidious issue that continues to persist – modern slavery. Although it is officially banned in nearly every country, millions of people are still trapped in this heinous practice. From forced labor to human trafficking, modern slavery takes on various forms, with each nation having unique challenges and circumstances.

This report looks at modern slavery constructs in six distinct countries, shedding light on the conditions those trapped in this unfortunate reality face.

North Korea: A Regime of Forced Labor

North Korea has been a longstanding offender when it comes to modern slavery. The authoritarian regime subjects its citizens to forced labor in various industries, both domestically and abroad. Within the country, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands are subjected to forced labor in prison camps and forced to work in harsh conditions. Overseas, North Korea sends workers to countries such as Russia and China, confiscating a significant portion of their wages, effectively reducing them to enslaved laborers.

Eritrea: Forced National Service

Eritrea is notorious for its system of indefinite national service, which traps its citizens in forced labor for an undetermined period. This practice has been described by many as a form of modern slavery. Young Eritreans and adults can be conscripted into various roles, including military service, public works, and civil administration. Failure to comply can result in imprisonment, torture, or even death.

Mauritania: A Persistent Problem of Slavery

Despite official bans on slavery, Mauritania continues to grapple with deeply rooted practices of hereditary slavery. The descendants of the Haratine, a historically enslaved group, still face extreme socio-economic disparities and often work without pay as domestic servants or in the fields. These individuals often cannot escape the cycle of exploitation due to poverty and discrimination.

Saudi Arabia: Migrant Workers in Dire Conditions

Saudi Arabia relies heavily on foreign labor, with many workers comprising migrants. Many of these workers find themselves in exploitative situations, with their employers confiscating their passports, withholding wages, and subjecting them to long working hours. While the Saudi government has taken some steps to improve labor conditions, many migrant workers still experience situations that border on modern slavery.

Turkey: Child Labor in the Textile Industry

Turkey faces criticism over its child labor practices in the textile industry. Children from impoverished areas are often employed in factories under hazardous conditions. Many work long hours for low pay and are denied access to education. The government has taken some steps to combat child labor but challenges persist.

Russia: Human Trafficking and Forced Labor

Russia grapples with human trafficking and forced labor, particularly among vulnerable populations such as migrants, refugees, and women. Victims are often lured under pretenses and moved to work in exploitative conditions. The Russian government has initiated efforts to combat human trafficking but the issue remains a significant challenge.