It’s my personal belief that you never really know someone until you’ve traveled together. Travel brings out the best, and sometimes worst, in people, and it offers insight into how we manage when we’re no longer in our comfort zone. Travel can bring a couple closer together, and if done right, can set the scene for a one-of-a-kind relationship, but all of those romantic couples that seem to be in a new country every month had to start somewhere.


If you want to start planning a getaway with your boo but aren’t sure where to start, keep these tips in mind to make sure your first trip as a couple is one you’ll both remember for the right reasons.


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Pick Vacation Days That Work With Both Of Your Schedules


I once dated someone who had a project-based career that didn’t allow him to request days off. He had an idea of when he’d have time off, but because his breaks were dependent on if he finished projects in time, I had to be agile about when I requested time off to be able to travel when he was available. This is an uncommon scenario, but it’s important to align your schedules so that your first romantic vacation is during a time when both of your stress levels are low. If your job is relatively stable throughout the year but your partner’s job has a stress level that fluctuates, travel during a time when the demands of him or her are low. It could be tempting to travel during the summer when everyone seems to be on holiday, but if traveling then would cause either of you significant stress, push your trip off to an earlier or later date. There’s nothing worse than being on vacation with someone who is checking work emails around the clock.


Be Upfront About Your Funds


Money conversations are always awkward, especially at the beginning of a new relationship. If you feel comfortable going away with a new love, you should feel comfortable talking about your budget, including how much you’re willing to spend on airfare, what you consider to be reasonable for accommodations and what you’re willing to spend per day during your travels. In the larger picture, money matters are huge in a relationship, so getting on the same page while planning a vacation could help you set the tone for how you handle finances throughout your relationship.


Compromise On One Destination (Or A Few)


By know you’ve got a good idea of what interests you and your partner have in common, so it’s time to settle on a destination. I love getting lost in big cities around the world and I’m not inspired by long days at the beach, but if that’s something my partner needs on a getaway, we’ll have to find a destination that works for the both of us. Pick a location that has the best of what you both love and value so that you feel equally fulfilled with your trip, and if you can’t get both of your needs met in one locale, plan to visit multiple locations during your time away.


Solo travel can be empowering and group trips are a win when you can pull them off, but exploring a new destination with a romantic partner can take your relationship to a new level. When you’re discovering a new favorite dish in Lebanon or finally seeing one the world’s greatest wonders, you’ll be glad you had someone special by your side to share that moment.