When Tim Burton’s deliciously sinister thriller “Wednesday” debuted on Netflix last year, it took off like wildfire. The smash blockbuster is based on the Addams Family. The series follows the melancholy adolescent, played by Jenna Ortega, as she enrolls at a new school. Wednesday is transported to Nevermore Academy, a castle in the middle of a forest next to the quaint (and normal) town of Jericho, Vermont. After an unfortunate incident involving some swimmers being mauled by piranhas and consequently being expelled, she starts fresh at Nevermore. The show has gothic settings, including eerie forests, expansive castles and otherworldly ruins. So, where was “Wednesday” filmed?
‘Wednesday’ Filming Locations
“Wednesday’s” eight-episode first season was shot in Bucharest, Romania. It had 70 sets spread over six sound stages and numerous locations throughout the city. Most of the filming took place in the winter of 2021 and 2022 to give the look of icy bleakness. In a press conference, director Tim Burton said it was incredible to go to Romania because it fell into the Addams Family world. He explained that trying to make Romania resemble Vermont was exciting and they discovered many new places. The following are some of the many locations featured in the series, as provided by Netflix Romania.
Nevermore Academy
The Cantacuzino Castle, situated in Buşteni, Romania, in the Carpathian Mountains serves as a stand-in for the exterior of Nevermore Academy. The Neo-Romanian-style castle was constructed in 1911. Up until the 1930s, Prince Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino, a former Romanian prime minister, used it as his vacation residence.
Following World War II, it was briefly owned by the nation’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, it was later restored and made available to the general public. The castle is open every day during visiting hours, and visitors are welcome to tour the structure, its art gallery and the nearby sculpture garden.
Most of “Wednesday’s” filming occurred in Bușteni in the dead of winter, lending the episodes a stunningly beautiful but slightly eerie aesthetic.
Interior Scenes For Nevermore Academy
Nevermore’s interior scenes were filmed in the magnificent Palatul Monteoru and Casa Niculescu Dorobantu. Both are Neo-Gothic structures. Palatul Monteoru, also known as the Monteoru House, was constructed in 1874. It is a prominent landmark in Bucharest’s center. Once the headquarters of the Writers of Romania Union, it is now a thriving cultural center featuring performances, fairs and exhibitions.
The structure is most admired for its status, architecture and intricate history. During communist times, the building was “donated” to the dictatorship under armed pressure. The property’s retrocession was only completed in 2013. It serves as a restaurant and is designated a national historical monument.
The beautiful greenhouse scenes at the academy were shot at the Gradina Botanica Dimitrie Brândza or Bucharest Botanical Garden. The garden, founded in 1860 and named for its founder, Dimitrie Brândza, is located in the city’s Cotroceni area and spans over 45 acres.
Jericho, Vermont
Yes, the series was also filmed in Jericho, Vermont. Jericho is a real town in Vermont. The majority of the Jericho scenes in “Wednesday,” on the other hand, were shot at Bucharest Film Studios (also known as Buftea Studios) in a purpose-built town. This includes the visits to the main square and Pilgrim World in the series.
But, the shooting at the Jericho train station occurred at the Gara Regala train station. This serves Sinaia in the Buşteni area of Romania. The Poe Cup, where students paddle across a lake, was filmed at Brănești and Sterbei lakes.
Many storefronts in the village were directly lifted from Chas Addams’s drawings. Numerous metal weather vanes are also fastened to the Weathervane [coffee shop] wall that references a Headless Horseman and Willy Wonka’s hat.
Other filming sites for “Wednesday” include:
Politehnica University of Bucharest
The school from which Wednesday is expelled in the first episode of the series was filmed at the Politehnica University of Bucharest. This is a research institution that was established in the nation’s capital in 1818. According to Netflix Romania, the Bazinul de Înot Dinamo has a swimming pool in a sports area in Bucharest. This is where Wednesday unleashes two bags of piranhas on the water polo squad.
Conacul Olga Greceanu Dâmbovița
According to Netflix Romania, Conacul Olga Greceanu appears in episode six of the series when Wednesday locates the property where Garrett Gates formerly lived. Dâmbovița, a county located north of Bucharest, is home to the magnificent mansion and Romanian historical site.
When the gloomy winter grew a little too cold, they employed plaster casts of existing trees in Romanian forests that were replicated in the studio for filming. Similarly, to maintain consistency, the production team collected fall leaves from the woods,. They dried them in drying facilities, and then re-scattered them throughout the forest floor once the season was over.
Can You Visit Nevermore Academy?
Yes, travelers can visit Nevermore Academy by going to Cantacuzino Castle in Bușteni. The location is open to the public and has beautiful interiors, grounds and an art collection to appreciate. However, if travelers or fans of the series wish to access specific school rooms, they must travel to different places.
Although the series was filmed in the winter of 2021-2022, the studios are still intact and open to the public. Tourists can walk the same places Wednesday did. Visit the shop where she got her infamous prom black dress; the fee includes a meal.
Where Was ‘Wednesday’ Filmed Wrap Up
The doors to Nevermore Academy opened on November 23rd with the release of “Wednesday.” The film chronicles the Adams’ magical and naughty antics in the live-action program. Wednesday hones her psychic abilities at the unique educational institution for outcasts. Jenna Ortega plays the title role as the only daughter of Gomez (Luis Guzmán) and Morticia Addams (Catherina Zeta-Jones), and sister to Pugsley (Isaac Ordonez).
“Wednesday” is set in a world of gothic castles, gloomy forests and elegant ballrooms. The series was shot in various locales throughout Romania, including highland communities and Bucharest, the country’s capital.