A volcano erupts just outside of Reykjavik, Iceland. Three tourists were injured trying to catch a peek. National Geographic posted a reel of the eruption that has lasted for the last couple of days. In the Instagram reel, people sit around the rim of the volcano, watching lava pooling into a searing, hot lake.
The Fagradalsfjall volcano is 10 miles from Keflavik International Airport. It is less than 20 miles away from the major city, Reykjavik. Fagradalsfjall erupted last year as well. The eruption lasted six months. Fortunately, the volcano generally behaves more like a dry river suddenly filled with spring water. Large eruptions, filled with ash are unlikely.
Because of this, travel to the area remains unscathed. As such, many tourists have rushed to the area to see the volcanic action. Disregarding the warning from Iceland’s meteorological office to steer clear, people visit anyway. Even with the low threat of an explosion, there is the threat of falling rock, aftershocks and noxious gases.
But, both locals and international tourists have gathered to see the fiery scene. The five-mile hike is rocky and uneven. Many arriving unprepared for the trek. One of the tourists broke an ankle while trying to catch a peek as the volcano erupted in Iceland. While it is unknown what injuries the other two tourists endured.

Iceland has suspected that a volcano was going to erupt soon because of the recent earthquake activity in the area. The shift of the earth’s tectonic plates can trigger an eruption. An eruption can also trigger earthquakes. Iceland has over 130 volcanoes. Of those, over 30 are active. The Fagradalsfjall volcano is the newest eruption in Iceland, warning residents of its potential to erupt for decades to come.