With inflation making it harder to travel on a budget, the last cost a traveler needs are dining at the airport. What if we told you that shelling out $20 for a burger was old school, and now you can bring your food to the airport? Since 9/11 TSA has strictly enforced what travelers can carry on planes. And due to the well-known 311 guidelines, many assume that food isn’t even an option when going through airport security. Although the origin of this misconception can’t be placed. Just take a careful look at the TSA’s guidelines; traveling with food is a myth that can finally be debunked.

The rules:

According to the 311 guidelines, travelers can carry up to three 3.4 oz bottles of toiletries, or other liquid necessities through TSA security checkpoints as long as they are contained within one 1-quart zip-top bag and are carried by one passenger.

However, food isn’t subject to the same scrutiny, so get ready to grab your tupperware or make a fast food stop before heading to the airport. Believe it or not, the TSA allows almost all food items through the security checkpoint, as long as none of them are composed of liquids in amounts that exceed 3.4 oz. That means you can load up your carry on bag with baby food, bread, candy, cereal, cheese, chocolate, coffee grounds, cooked meats, cookies, crackers, dried fruits, fresh eggs, meat, seafood, and vegetables, frozen foods, gravy, gum, honey, hummus, nuts, pizza, salt, sandwiches, and all sorts of dry snacks. Need more? You can even bring in live seafood  in special clear, sealed, spill-proof containers.


Most will be shocked to find out that alcoholic beverages are also allowed through TSA as long as they are the small tiny bottles, that aren’t over 140 proof, or 70 percent alcohol by volume. It should be noted that although you can get through the check in, you’ll have to throw them back before getting on the plane, as many airlines will not allow you to consume your own liquor on board.