Written By: Brianna Rhodes

After Teri’s best friend Jon passed away, she felt inspired to start living life to its fullest the same way he did. She no longer wanted to feel miserable and trapped and decided to finally do something about it. However, her job was the only thing that held her back. She knew she needed to make enough money to cover her bills and afford the lifestyle she dreamed of.

So in 2017, Teri quit her job as an educator and turned her side hustle—investing and trading in the stock market—into her main hustle. She decided to trade and travel full time.

She no longer had to deal with a routined work schedule, and she gained the freedom to work from anywhere in the world.

Teri had been trading stocks for years, and loved the stock market prior to making it a full-time job. She knew everything there was to know about company statistics, new products, and earnings reports. She began taking stock investing classes and investing more in the stock market in an effort to replace her income.

Her goal was to make $300 a day. She not only consistently met that goal, but often exceeded it.

Photo: Terri Ijeoma

Trading gave Teri the freedom she wanted, and there’s not one day that goes by where she regrets her decision of quitting her job. In 2016, she was making negative returns on investments and $4,000 a month as an assistant principal. By 2018, she was making a minimum average of $1,000 a day through trading and started traveling to places like Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Fiji, Greece and more.

“I can be in New York for breakfast, in LA for lunch, and in Paris for dinner,” Teri said. “I’ve gone from making $4,000 a month to $4,000 an hour. And instead of working 24/7, I generally put in less than four hours a day when I’m trading. My current record is making $35,000 in one day—close to what I made as an assistant principal in a year! And now I’m actively trying to break my own record.”

Now, Teri is sharing her knowledge with others so they can take part in her lifestyle through her online course “Trade and Travel.” In the course, Teri teaches students all over the world how to replicate the career path she carved out for herself.

“I teach them how they can make weekly paychecks from the stock market and love celebrating their wins along with my own,” Teri said.

Her “Trade and Travel” investing course is for people who are looking to afford to travel, pay down debt, or replace their income using the stock market, with the potential to build great wealth and leave a legacy.

In the course, students learn Teri’s top four secrets to successfully making an average of $1,000 a day by investing from anywhere in the world. They’ll also learn why investing in the stock market is a substantial way to build wealth.

The online course includes an introduction and overview about the stock market, in addition to a training on risk management and chart reading to make you a successful trader. The course also includes group coaching calls for accountability, exclusive trainings and more!

When she looks back to her best friend’s death, she says she learned a valuable lesson: Life is too short to not chase your dreams.

Ready to enjoy the life you are destined to live and make money at the same time?

Click Here to Watch A Free Webinar on How To Make $1000 A Day and learn more about Teri’s Trade and Travel course.