First Lady Jill Biden announced an overhaul of the White House tour. The redesign marks the first major update to the visitor experience in decades. The revamped tour, set to debut this week, promises a more interactive and educational excursion through America’s most famous residence.

Visitors to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue have followed a well-trodden path through select areas of the historic building for years. Now, thanks to Dr. Biden’s initiative, tourists will enjoy an expanded and enriched experience that goes deeper into the nation’s history and the workings of the executive branch.

The First Lady, drawing on her four-decade career as an educator, has infused the tour with elements designed to engage visitors of all ages. “Learning has to evoke the senses,” Biden explained in a press release. She stressed the importance of meeting people where they are to spark curiosity and imagination.

The White House Tour’s New Digital Enhancements And Interactive Elements

One of the most notable additions to the tour is incorporating digital components. As visitors enter the East Wing, they’ll enjoy a greeting video message from the First Lady, setting the stage for their experience. Later, President Biden will appear via video in the East Room to provide historical context and depth to the tour experience.

The East Colonnade, previously adorned with static photo collages, now features “A Living Timeline” of White House history. This digital display highlights key moments in American history. It provides a dynamic and informative backdrop as visitors move through the space.

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the revamped tour is the inclusion of previously closed areas. For the first time, the public will have access to the Diplomatic Reception Room, famous for hosting President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fireside chats. Here, visitors can experience a recreation of a 1939 Philco radio playing snippets of FDR’s iconic broadcasts. This feature brings history to life in the very room where it was made.

A Collaborative Effort

This ambitious update was not a solo endeavor. Over the past two years, Dr. Biden has worked closely with various organizations, including the National Park Service, the White House Curator’s Office, the White House Historical Association, presidential libraries, and the History Channel.

This collaboration has resulted in a tour that educates and inspires visitors to learn more about America’s shared heritage. Congress members can arrange visits for those interested in experiencing the new White House tour. As always, tours remain free of charge and are available from Tuesday to Saturday, excluding federal holidays.