Growing up you’d watch films and tv shows about wealthy characters owning private islands in gorgeous locations around the world. Even till this day, some of us may feel that having a whole island to ourselves is unrealistic. But thanks to sites such as Airbnb – your private island dreams can come true. So if you’re planning the next wedding, girls trip, or bachelor party for the groom to be – here’s how you can rent a private island of your own.


Widely known for providing budget stays in cities across the world, some savvy Airbnb hosts have managed to put their private island experiences on the platform. Ranging from $200 to $1000 a night, there are many affordable options to choose from.

Urraca Private Island - Panama

Starting at $240 a person per night, you can rent Urraca Private Island off the coast of Panama on Airbnb. Make it 10 guests, and it will cost close to only $1000 per night.


Bird Island - Belize

Bird Island is located off the coast of Belize and also available on Airbnb. You and 4 guests can enjoy this island paradise for $1000 a night.

Brother Island, El Nido - Philippines

If you’re open to traveling across the world for your private island experience Brother Island in EL Nido, Philippines is another magical place you can rent off Airbnb. Brother Island starts at $977 for 10 guests on Airbnb.

Always remember, the majority of these islands offer packages for food and entertainment. If you’re traveling with a large group and you’re trying to keep the budget in tact never hesitate to bargain with Airbnb hosts. Explain your situation and more than likely they will work with you for a reasonable compromise on their pricing.