Delta Air Lines recently released a memo detailing “appearance requirements” for flight attendants has ignited a firestorm of online discussion. The two-page document outlines grooming and dress standards for potential hires and current employees and draws particular attention to its undergarment stipulations.

According to the memo, “Proper undergarments must be worn but must not be visible.” This directive has raised eyebrows and prompted questions about how employers can dictate their staff’s attire, even down to items not typically seen.

What Delta Air Lines Flight Attendants Can And Cannot Wear

The guidelines extend far beyond undergarments, covering various appearance-related topics. Hair must be of a “natural-looking” color without stark highlights or unnatural shades. Eyelashes should appear natural, and all nails must be the same color. The policy also addresses visible tattoos, which are not permitted and must be covered by clothing or waterproof makeup.

Jewelry guidelines are equally specific. They allow for a single side-nose piercing with a pinhead stud, limited to gold, silver, white pearl, or clear diamond/diamond-like studs. Flight attendants are permitted a maximum of two earrings per ear, no larger than a dime, with hoop earrings and ear-stretching gauges explicitly prohibited.

Delta’s rationale for the policy appears to stem from a desire to maintain a polished and professional image. In a statement to People, the airline emphasized the importance of transparency and clarity for prospective candidates. The carrier encourages them to “dress for success” and make a strong first impression as they aspire to join the ranks of flight attendants.

The Internet Reacts

The airline’s stance on appearance has sparked a heated online debate. Some Reddit users expressed curiosity about the events that may have prompted such detailed guidelines. Others, on the other hand, defended Delta’s right to set professional standards for their employees.

One commenter noted, “I see nothing wrong with this. It is mostly for the sake of hygiene and safety. Clean, neat professional appearance.” Another wrote, “There’s nothing eyebrow-raising about this and I’m pretty sure my airline said something similar. You’d be surprised how people show up to an interview where your appearance 100% matters.”

byu/gear-heads from discussion

However, critics argue that such stringent appearance requirements may be invasive and potentially discriminatory. The policy has reignited discussions about the airline industry’s history of imposing strict appearance standards on flight attendants. This is often at the expense of their well-being and dignity.

A Reddit user wrote, “I take issue with a company holding themselves to strict uniform standards as a form of “professionalism” while they nickel and dime customers like some side street hustler to sit next to their family members on flights and also for baggage and cancelation fees.. the professionalism ended there. I guess they want their employees to look good while screwing the customer base.”

byu/gear-heads from discussion

Some former flight attendants have spoken out about the pressure to maintain a particular look. In an interview with VICE, one flight attendant revealed the existence of “grooming managers.” These people would approve or disapprove of aspects of their appearance, including weight and skin condition. This pressure to maintain a specific body type has led some flight attendants to take drastic measures. There have been cases of drug use and dangerous surgeries just to keep their jobs.