Nicole has spent the last decade of her life living abroad. The 37-year-old Detroit native currently lives and works as an ESL teacher in Oman.
We spoke with her about life as a Black expat.

Travel Noire: Why did you make the move abroad?
Nicole: I first made the move to live abroad after being laid off from my market research job in Chicago. I started off in South Korea before moving on to Oman.
TN: How did you end up in Oman?
Nicole: After spending 3.5 years of teaching in South Korea, I was ready for a new challenge and experience. After searching online, I came across an opportunity to teach at a college in Oman and I haven’t looked back since.

TN: What is life like as a Black woman in Oman?
Nicole: I imagine many would be surprised to learn that I am treated quite well as a single Black woman in Oman. Omanis are very humble and friendly people. I am called ‘sister’ all the time by locals.
TN: Do you have plans to relocate? If so, when? Where?
Nicole: I have hopes of relocating at some point after Oman. Ideally, I want to go to Africa but am still on the fence about when and where. I lived in South Africa for a few months when I was working on my thesis and for an internship. I loved my time there. I’d love to go back there someday. However, I’m open to and considering Ghana as well as a few other places. For the time being, Oman has been a great home, and I could see myself here for a bit longer.

Related: The Black Expat: ‘A Bad Breakup Led Me To Love In Switzerland’
TN: What other challenges have you faced as a Black expat?
Nicole: Living abroad as a single Black woman hasn’t always been easy regarding dating culture. You have to be extremely careful with the differences in cultural values, as well as making sure someone isn’t with you just because you’re an American and could potentially get them a green card.
TN: Can you offer any advice to our audience thinking about moving abroad?
Nicole: I highly recommend talking to others that have lived abroad and asking questions. I’m always available for those interested in making this journey. It’s also good to join travel and expat communities online.

TN: Where can we find you on social media?
Nicole: can best be reached at I Luv 2 Globe Trot on Facebook, @iluv2globetrot on Twitter/Instagram, and the website