We can all agree that JetBlue is one of the best airlines to fly. They provide comfortable seating, more legroom, and a movie catalog that every airline wishes they had. Now, they’re about to get even better.

JetBlue is gearing up to feature a new set of inflight-entertainment programming and special offers to make flying a little less stressful for passengers.

Thanks to a partnership with wellness app Inscape, travelers will have the ability to stream curated meditation and relaxation content at 35,000 feet in the air. It will feature sessions about anxiety and breathing exercises with topics such as “Flying without Fear,” “Tranquil not Turbulent,” “Jet Lag Relief,” and “Inflight Mindfulness.” The new sessions will also include breathing exercises and sleepscapes. To continue sessions on the ground, passengers can download the Inscape app for an annual membership discount.

JetBlue TV will also feature new entertainment content with SHOWTIME, Spotify, and content about travel, design, health, a leadership series highlighting notable figures, and more. Passengers will also have unlimited access to their favorite magazines and newspapers with PressReader.

“Whether you want to binge-watch, binge-listen, connect, disconnect, or just discover something new – you can do it from our new HD seatback screens, your own devices, or more likely, all of the above,” says Mariya Stoyanova, JetBlue’s director of product development.