Fayida Jailler
Fayida Jailler

Writing since Jun 2021 • 10 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Fayida Jailler is a YouTuber, educator, activist, linguist and travel curator, specializing in black history content from the global African diaspora. In 2020 she founded ’Freedom Is Mine', a platform dedicated to celebrating the history, culture and contribution of the African diaspora worldwide. It began as a YouTube channel, specializing in videos about Afrodescendant communities around the world, often in places many people don't know that black communities have existed for centuries. The platform now extends across the social media platforms, delivering daily, global black history content.
Everything To Know About The African Diaspora In Australia
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Everything To Know About The African Diaspora In South Korea
Everything To Know About The African Diaspora In South Korea
In the spirit of Black History Month , let’s take a look at our African diaspora family in South Korea. South Korea is one of the most ethnically...
Clairvius Narcisse: The Alleged Real-Life Haitian Zombie
Clairvius Narcisse: The Alleged Real-Life Haitian Zombie
Halloween is around the corner, so let’s get spooky with this real-life story of a Haitian man alleged to be a zombie that came back to life....
It's Black Achievement Month In The Netherlands: 8 Facts To Know
It's Black Achievement Month In The Netherlands: 8 Facts To Know
This month we celebrate black history month in three European countries: The UK, Ireland and the Netherlands. If you haven’t already read our...
Irish Black History Month: 5 Facts You Likely Didn't Know
Irish Black History Month: 5 Facts You Likely Didn't Know
Yes, Irish Black History Month is a thing. As you may (or may not) know, during the month of October, Black History Month is celebrated in several...