An Uber driver who has been hailed a hero for getting a hotel room for his stranded passenger has been rewarded for his good deed.

Davante Williams was stranded with a teenage passenger for five hours along with hundreds of other drivers along an icy stretch of I-95 during a snowstorm in Virginia. Williams, who resides in D.C., was in the process of dropping the girl off home to her parents.

“My passenger, she was so distraught,” he told NewsNation during an interview. “Apparently, I picked her up from Union Station, and her train was canceled due to derailment. So she only could call for Uber, and I was her driver.”

Williams said he fed the passenger crackers and made sure she stayed hydrated, while assuring her parents that he would take good care of her.

“I had to explain to her parents that, ‘Hey, I’m not anyone crazy. I’m just trying to get your daughter somewhere safe.’” 

Williams said he rented the teen a hotel room for the night when they finally got off the highway.

“I wind up having to put her in a hotel because she wasn’t old enough to get a room … So I wanted to make sure she was comfortable. And I didn’t want to leave her stranded,” he added.

Since the incident, Williams’ story has gone viral, even getting a shoutout from Uber that not all heroes wear capes.

Williams has received so much praise on social media and was even offered a job.

“I received an offer to be a lead driver for Ride Alto, where I will be pretty much in the office, just being a supervisor,” he said.

Since then, Williams also said the teenager reached out to him again.

“She actually texted me and just thanked me … for everything that I had done for her that night.”