Ryanair is receiving much backlash this week as the world learns of the 25 hour delayed flight to the UK. Passengers have expressed fury about the delayed flight to Manchester.

The flight back to Manchester, UK from Rhodes was announced as delayed by Ryanair. Passengers were left waiting to board for over 24 hours.

Ryanair flight delayed by 25 hours

Lancs Live reported that after the first flight was delayed, then the rearranged flight was also delayed.

In a statement, Mr Barlow, from Stockport, hoped to return back to the UK after 11 nights in Rhodes with his wife and friends. Much to his disappointment, he was still in Rhodes on Saturday night.

He said: “We got to the gate and outside on the tarmac then they brought us all back in. There was no explanation then a few hours after they said there was unscheduled maintenance to the aircraft.

Allegedly, passengers were left with very little information about the delay. Some let off that the poor experience was shocking stating that they “had never seen anything like it”.

“They sent us a voucher for four euros but that will just get you a bottle of water in the airport. It’s been a complete nightmare […] We left the hotel at 6pm yesterday and have been at the airport nearly 24 hours. Everyone is fed up.” continued Mr Barlow in a statement.

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