Travel slows as fall approaches and costs could dip below pre-pandemic prices according to Hopper’s Quarter 3 Travel Index. So, the school year is beginning for kids which means the demand for summer vacations is slowing down exponentially. Getting into the new routine of school and activities, there’s little time for planning family travel. This annual dip in travel isn’t a surprise, but the amount it is dipping is unusual. Prices are predicted to drop lower than that of pre-pandemic travel costs.

It isn’t just airfare either. Gas prices have been, and will continue to, noticeably drop. The same applies to the price of hotels and activities. The drops will start later in August at about a 25% discount from summer prices in hopes of encouraging a quick trip before the holiday season.

Joshua Woroniecki

According to the report, “The slowing in demand growth is a seasonal fixture at this time of year, and will pick back up in October and November as travelers search for and book their holiday travel.” So, if you’re ready for a trip in late August, September or early October, look for prices to drop to an average of $238 for a domestic, round-trip airline ticket. As Forbes put it, “That’s down 37% — $142 cheaper — than summer prices and even 3% lower than 2019 prices.”

After two years of little to no travel, tourists were ready to hit the ground running. The high demand this summer took travel costs higher and higher. Adding the increased cost of fuel, prices for travel were at an all-time high in the month of May. Travelers suffered through long security lines, canceled flights, a lack of rental car availability, excruciating wait times at restaurants and activities. Along with the cost decrease, travelers can expect less people on the beach, in the airport and maybe even less people at some restaurants.