Eating well can be challenging and adding travel to the equation can make it the last thing on your to-do list. If you plan ahead and commit to finding healthy options on any menu, eating well can be easier. We have a few tips to help you beat the travel weight gain.


Pre-Pack Airport Snacks


One of the best ways to save money and keep your eating habits on the healthier side is to pack your own airport snacks. Thanks to stores like Trader Joes you can pick up nuts, dark chocolate covered almonds, and with snack-size treats to keep you from buying that Cinnabon or pastry before boarding your flight.


Eat Breakfast


Breakfast has been said to be the most important meal of the day, so be sure not skip it. Oatmeal with flaxseeds or a protein-packed omelet with vegetables can help curb your urge to have snacks in between meals.


Make Protein A Priority


We just talked about having protein when starting your day, but it should be a staple throughout your day because it will keep you fuller longer. Protein doesn’t have to be chicken or beef, you can opt for chickpeas, fish, apples, peanut butter, and beans just to name a few.

Eat Your Veggies With Every Meal


Eating your vegetable can be tough when you’re on the road but there are easy ways to make the nutrient-rich food group a priority. If your meal comes with fries, sub them for a side salad or any other vegetable the menu offers. One thing to be mindful of on menus are salads because they too can be packed with calories.

Get Your Dressings And Sauces On The Side


Since condiments like salad dressing and secret sauces can be backed with unsuspecting calories ask for it on the side.

Pack A Reusable Water Bottle


Staying hydrated with water is important throughout our travels. Pack a glass or stainless steel water bottle to refill since some airports (like LAX) have free filtered-free water stations.

Cook Your Meals


Thanks to Airbnb, it’s pretty easy to find a space with a kitchen or even kitchenette. Since eating out can get pricey when you’re traveling and can pack on the pounds, cook a meal a day on your own in between trying the must-visit restaurants on your list.