Kyomi Wade, or Wading Wade as she is known online, has had the opportunity to live in 3 countries across 4 cities over the last few years.

She has figured out the secrets to living abroad and finding work in the process. We spoke with her via email to learn exactly how she does it.

Photo courtesy of Kyomi Wade

Travel Noire: What inspired you to move to a new country?

Kyomi: Honestly, it was simply a “there must be something more out there beyond what I know”-feeling. Being from London, and attending university outside of London, I was surrounded by people who would tell me “you’re so lucky you live in London, I can’t wait to move there after uni!” I thought, wait a minute, London is all you know. Also, I was scared of the idea that I might never leave where I came from.

Moving abroad the second time was surprisingly harder than the first. The first was a simple “let’s see what’s out there!” The second time, I felt older and desperately wanted to make sure I chose the right place.

Photo courtesy of Kyomi Wade

TN: How did you initially find work while abroad?

Kyomi: It was through a very extensive google search. Job boards local to Spain where I was looking to live, and essentially responding to an email that rejected me from the job, which made them invite me for a different position. Nowadays the job boards are so much more prevalent; LinkedIn is pretty fruitful if you put effort into your application and profile. You have Escape the City’s exotic location/off the grid section, for jobs in Europe, Europe Language Jobs, and much much more. These boards don’t even begin to capture the remote jobs that are becoming more and more common.

Photo courtesy of Kyomi Wade

TN: Give us your top 3 tips for job hunting abroad?

  • Bend your expectations of yourself: Job searching is different when you are a young twenty-something just excited to be in a new place and start an adventure. The expectation seems to grow with age, and so you may have certain expectations from others or yourself about the type of job you’re willing to do. I’m a firm believer that you can learn something from any job, and beyond the super ‘professional’ job you see yourself doing, I encourage people to dare themselves to dream.
  • Compromise now, enjoy later:  Depending on the languages you speak, where you are from, and where you are job hunting abroad, you may be at a disadvantage with some missing skills. This shouldn’t be a deterrent, but it means that you may have to take a job you don’t really want to get you to the country, and then continue your search once you’re ’on the ground’ so to speak.
  • E-connect with real people: Facebook groups for expats is a great place to look for a job online. Facebook groups can be a great place to build your own community and then through that find jobs too, I always join a black in x country group so I can be aware of the voices and events from my culture. Often in these groups, a sense of solidarity formed means that people share jobs and try to promote prosperity in the community.
Photo courtesy of Kyomi Wade

Related: The Black Expat: ‘Living In Poland Allows Me To Pursue My Side Hustles’

TN: Do the jobs you work provide enough income for you to live comfortably?

Kyomi: Aside from the time I was doing an internship for about £7.50 pounds a week in Colombia (with accommodation provided), mostly yes! The first job I got in Spain was entry-level and I lived well enough to save for Colombia, as the south of Spain is quite cheap. In Seville years later, when I had priorities like saving and building my future, I had to negotiate a higher salary a few months into my position, which provided me with a comfortable lifestyle. 

Photo courtesy of Kyomi Wade

TN: Where can we find more from you online?

Kyomi: For keeping up with my writing, travels, and life in Berlin, you can find me on Instagram at thewadingwade and on my website: For digital marketing tips and connecting with me professionally: