Meet Hu John, who hails from Los Angeles where he worked as a district Commercial Banker. He now resides in Shanghai, China where he is an entrepreneur and producer that promotes, supports, and energizes the Black community in China.


We had the change to speak with him about his experience as a Black Expat in China.


Travel Noire: Why did you make the move abroad?

Hu: I relocated outside of America to find new opportunities where there is less violence towards Black people.


Photo courtesy of Hu


TN: Why did you choose China?

Hu: It was an out of the box approach. The writing was on the wall, the Chinese are making economic impacts in many countries. Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. I wanted to be able to have more opportunities anywhere I go.


RELATED: The Black Expat: From An Extended Vacation To Living in Vietnam.


TN: How easy or hard has it been to make your mark in China as a Black man?

Hu: Nothing comes easy if it’s to be everlasting. It’s a mindset and takes a positive attitude toward life to get things done in China as a Black man. My old challenges which were small are replaced with bigger challenges with great rewards. I use my image as a Black man as an asset here. The Chinese are buying into it and it’s bringing me many unique opportunities.


Photo courtesy of Hu


TN: Can you briefly describe some of the things you have been able to do while in China?

Hu: I founded a Black business community called Black X that has led initiatives such as Shanghai Black Fashion Week, African Fashion Show International, Black Brain (an investment bank for Black business development in China), and we are coordinating an exchange program for Blacks to come to China to gain internship experience.


RELATED: Find Your Tribe: 5 Asian Locations With Black Expat Communities


TN: Do you have plans to move back home? If so, when?

Hu: No. I’ll visit my friends and family in the States. Shanghai is where I call home in the east and I’ll soon have residence in East Africa.


Phot courtesy of Hu


TN: What advice can you give to our readers who want to move abroad?

Hu: Research and connect with people who get things done, and not complain about what they miss in their native countries. These individuals have the keys that make one’s lifestyle in another country much easier. Furthermore, most countries are looking for innovators not competition for their local citizens. Bring something to the table that makes you indispensable.


TN: Where can our readers reach you if they have questions?

Hu: You can follow me on Instagram @hujohnshanghai.