For anyone who has flown within Europe, Irish airline Ryanair is the go-to airline for those that want to travel between European countries for an affordable price. As tensions mount due to a cabin crew strike, hundreds and potentially thousands of flights are expected to be canceled, affecting more than 50,000 passengers in the process during the height of the summer travel season. If you planned to fly Ryanair within the next few days while in Europe, here’s what you should know about the strike.


Ryanair Cabin Crew Are Striking To Get Demands Met


As the cost of living increases, Ryanair cabin crew are striking for a pay increase and more than 30 other demands. According to Independent:


“Ryanair, which is the biggest budget airline in Europe, recognized trades unions for the first time only last December and claims it has worked constructively with a number of them since. But cabin crew across Europe say the airline has failed to negotiate on anything significant, and have issued a list of 34 demands, ranging from “predictable working hours” to “not being forced to open an Irish bank account”.


In addition, pilots employed by Ryanair in Ireland are unhappy about a range of seniority issues and base transfers, and are dissatisfied with progress on their complaints.”


The upcoming cancellations come as the airline had to cancel 24 flights scheduled for July 20 between the UK and Ireland due to a pilots’ strike according to the BBC.


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The Strike Will Affect Flights To And From Portugal, Belgium, And Spain


If you made plans to fly Ryanair for flights to or from Portugal, Belgium and Spain on July 25 or 26, now is the time to come up with alternative plans. Ryanair has canceled close to 600 flights scheduled to fly on those two days and could cancel upwards of 2,400 total, but if you have tickets for that timeframe and have not been contacted, its possible that your flight will continue as scheduled.


Passengers Will Either Be Refunded Or Re-Booked


As of July 19, more than 85% of the 50,000 affected passengers have either been re-booked on alternate flights or issued refunds according to a tweet from the airline.


Not in a hurry to get home? According to the Independent, “Passengers whose flights are canceled while they are on holiday are entitled to hotels and meals until the airline can get them home.”


If a refund or re-booking on a Ryanair flight is not enough, passengers have the right to be re-booked on a rival airline, at Ryanair’s expense, if seats are available.