Travelers flying into New York from certain states are now required to show proof that they completed a form with their contact information and travel plans before they can leave airports across the state.

A team of law enforcement officers will meet passengers at arrival gates to check if the travel form has been completed on paper or online.

New York’s latest travel policy is part of the state’s effort to try to enforce its 14-day quarantine requirements for travelers from 22 states, who New York state officials deem as hotspots for the coronavirus because of the rising number of coronavirus cases in their states.

“New York’s success in fighting the COVID-19 virus is under two threats: lack of compliance and the virus coming to New York from other states with increasing infection rates,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. “We have already implemented a quarantine order for travelers coming in from states with the highest infection rates, but we are experiencing non-compliance with the order that can lead to outbreaks and threaten the tremendous progress we’ve already made.”

Noncompliance is why the state health department is mandating that out-of-state travelers complete a DOH traveler form before leaving New York airports.

Travelers who leave the airport without completing the form will be subject to a $2,000 fine and may be brought to a hearing and ordered to complete mandatory quarantine. 

Airlines have all pledged to help make passengers aware of the new requirement using pre-flight emails, pre-flight announcements, in-flight announcements, and other methods, according to a press release from Cuomo’s office.

Additionally, travelers coming to New York from designated states through other means of transport, including trains and cars, must fill out the DOHtraveler form online. 

“We can’t be in a situation where we have people coming from other states in the country bringing the virus again,” said Cuomo said during a press conference. “It is that simple.”