With summer on the horizon, we yearn for adventure and a vacation beyond the tired walls of our homes. The COVID-19 virus turned the pleasure of travel into a hassle, but as restrictions lessen, the months ahead are ripe with possibilities.

If you want to stay active while on vacation, here are just a few ways to do it.

1. Walk It Out


If it is possible and safe for you to walk even short distances, do it. According to NBC news, walking is a low impact exercise, making it ideal “for people who are overweight to obese, as well as those with knee, ankle and back problems.”

Harvard Health Publishing sites several benefits such as reducing the risk of disease, and keeping joints lubricated, which is especially important as you age.

From a travel standpoint, walking allows you to immerse your self in your surroundings and feel like a local. Think of the chic little shop on that cul-de-sac in Paris, or that obscure Paella restaurant in Valencia you likely would have missed if you were taking mass transit. Walking on the beach is cathartic, but sand is unstable, so proceed at a leisurely pace.

2. Take The Stairs

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Some people participate in organized stair-climbing events, and travel around the world to climb tall structures. It takes a degree of masochism to find the fun in that, and that’s coming from experience.

COVID-19 put a stop to those events, but there are ways to keep conditioned, even if doing hundreds of steps isn’t your cup of tea. Climbing stairs, even if you only manage one flight, strengthens your muscles and enhances lung capacity. If you’re able to climb two at a time, all the better.

3. Ride a Bike

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Many cities have designated lanes for bikes. If you aren’t comfortable riding alongside New York City traffic, consider Central Park, which offers flat roads as well as challenging hills off limits to vehicles.

If you’re in San Francisco, try a scenic ride from Fisherman’s Wharf to Sausalito via the Golden Gate Bridge, with lanes for vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists alike. Prepare to encounter hills once you arrive in Sausalito, and be sure to stay as far to the side of the road as you can.

Heading to Amsterdam? You’ll be quite at home there, as the Dutch are known bike enthusiasts, so don’t be surprised if you see a sign that says, “Fietsstraat: auto te gast“, meaning, “Bike street: cars are guests.”

4. Dance


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Ah, clubs, remember them? Strobe lights, fantastic music, and holding your drink above your head to avoid spilling it while people bump and grind around you. What makes dancing popular is that it doesn’t feel like a workout, but it absolutely is.

According to Active, you can scorch “between 200 and 400 calories,” if you dance nonstop for 30 minutes. If you’d rather avoid the club scene, you can always groove to tunes of your choosing in the comfort of your hotel room, or wherever you’re staying.

5. Namaste



Some think yoga consists of a few stretches and some deep breathing, but this is far from the case. If you don’t want to take a class in person, you can go the virtual route.

Active states that even less vigorous forms of yoga like Hatha make you burn “175 calories per hour” while Vinyasa can scorch “445 calories per hour” the equivalent of riding your bike for the same amount of time.