I’m currently exploring countries in Eastern Europe and it’s the best decision I’ve made since I finished my language course in Malaga, Spain. I’m also writing this post on the bus ride from Dubrovnik to Split in Croatia. Eastern Europe’s charm is in it’s rich history, abundant nature and beautiful sea. I can’t possibly imagine why anyone wouldn’t love this part of Europe – it offers you everything. Eastern Europe’s charm can be likened to a virgin – pure, innocent and untouched.


What makes Eastern Europe so unique and beautiful is the landscape, architecture and geographical location. The red roofed houses at the bottom of the mountains, the magnificent view of the mountains from the bottom and the clean, clear and bluish green Mediterranean Sea which surrounds the country add to it’s charm. The numerous waterfalls and natural parks you find as you explore the little towns and villages. The eclectic mix of architectural designs from the Austrian, Hungarian, Venetian and Ottoman eras that ruled the countries. The interesting historical background of the Yugoslavian period that gives each country in Eastern Europe it’s uniqueness and culture despite subtle beef among the countries. The not-so-modern infrastructure and lack of skyscrapers in most cities in this part of Europe. The hospitable and most friendly people I’ve ever met – particularly in love with my caramel skin. The great taste of beef and fresh seafood cooked to order.  All these makes it Europe’s pure bliss and charm. If you want a getaway in Europe, Eastern Europe is the place to visit.


So far, I have visited the cities of Sarajevo and Mostar in the country of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kotor and Budva in Montenegro, and Dubrovnik and Split in Croatia. I’m making my way inland to Zadar and then Zagreb, also in Croatia, and then heading to my final destination Budapest in the country of Hungary. If you haven’t considered Eastern Europe, I suggest you add that to your list of places to visit before you die or before the hands of modernization rip it apart. It will exceed your expectations. You can follow my journey through Eastern Europe on my blog.


This story was curated by Moni Baruwa.