It’s a sign of the times. As COVID cases rise and the uncertainty of when the virus will slow down, businesses across the U.S. are cutting their losses and planning ahead to 2021.

The latest major industry to shut down for the remainder of the year, New York City’s Broadway.

Initially, The Broadway League planned to only halt productions through the fall. But, at the direction of Gov. Andrew Cuomo to cut all large group gatherings, the league has announced that it will remain closed until at least January 3, 2021.

“We are determined to bring back the people who rely on this industry for their livelihood and to welcome back all those who love this vital part of New York City, as soon as it is safe to do so,” Charlotte St. Martin, President of The Broadway League said in a news statement. “As so many of us in the Broadway community has been saying during this time: We’ll be back, and we have so many more stories to tell.”

Even with this announced opening, shows will only start up on a rolling basis. This means that even at the January reopening some shows may not begin production again until the Spring.

Broadway is one of New York City’s largest tourist attraction and brought in over $1 billion in revenue in 2019 alone.

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