Tiffany Simmons and Kea Simmons are two women who have truly been able to experience the world from a different perspective.

Both women were initially stationed in South Korea during their time in the military, which was the first time that they each traveled abroad.

After being able to travel to various countries during that time, they fell in love with seeing the world. Since then, Tiffany and Kea have lived in multiple countries and continued their adventures across the globe.

They are now the owners and operators of, World View Travels, a company that aims to give travelers their own tailor-made experiences.

Photo courtesy of World View Travels

We spoke with the women via email to learn more.

Travel Noire: Why is travel important to you?

Kea:  It allows you to expand your mind and view of the world we live in. It also is an on-going life lesson to teach and show you that we are all related as human beings.

Tiffany:  I learn so much more about myself & others when I travel. For example, I’m a country girl that loves yoga, yaki mandu (Korean dumplings), soca music and henna. I would have never learned that about myself if I had stayed in Eatonville, Florida all my life.

Photo courtesy of World View Travels

TN: Tell us about living abroad while in the military.

Kea: Living abroad was a new experience for me because, before the military, I had never been out of the country. Once I got out of the military, I had the opportunity to live in 5 other countries. For me, I’ve built a friendship and business relationship that I would never have had the opportunity to experience otherwise. It has been the most rewarding experience, outside of being a mom.

Tiffany: Initially, it was one of the scariest things I was ever forced to do. I was 18 years old with orders to Korea. However, I was forced to grow up and adapt to my surroundings. I was stationed at a small base with great mentors who helped me. While in the military I was also deployed to Qatar. We were allowed to go off base once a week but only using the buddy system. I even turned 21 in Qatar and had my 1st legal drink at the MWR tent.

Photo courtesy of World View Travels

Related: From Solo Travelers To Traveling Soulmates

TN: How did your love for travel inspire you to start your business?

Kea: Tiffany and I wanted to share our experience as Black, veteran moms with other like-minded travelers. We also wanted to expose some of the myths people have about certain travel destination such as Africa, Haiti, and Iraq. We want people to see that travel is not just about laying on a beach and relaxing but engaging in the culture and with the people. It’s about creating long-lasting relationships during each experience.

Photo courtesy of World View Travels

TN: Tell us about the business and your vision for it.

Tiffany and Kea: World Views Travel Group specializes in both local and international excursions. Our tailor-made journeys are inspired by our personal research and experiences traveling the world. Through our partnerships with business owners, we offer our clients quality travel experiences that educate, inspire, and expand their views of the world.

Our future goal is to encourage people to invest abroad and if someone is interested in relocating, we will be able to assist with that journey as well.

Photo courtesy of World View Travels

TN: Where can we find you online?

You can find us at: World Views Travel Group on Facebook, IG: @worldviewsgroup or our website .