Curtis Anthony, a Black employee at Boeing, is suing the company because of its ‘racially hostile’ work environment.

In 2017, Anthony began to detail how his co-workers racially harassed him while at work. His white co-workers would urinate in his seat and work desk, have used the n-word multiple times and left a noose above his workspace.

According to ABC News, Anthony has worked as a quality inspector on the 787 Dreamliner since 2011 at their North Charleston plant in South Carolina.

“It was demeaning, I really didn’t want to work, so they had to move my desk, they had to move my chair. I really couldn’t perform the duties I am paid to do,” Anthony told ABC News.

Anthony was moved to a building with no air conditioning after complaining to management about being harrassed by his co-workers.

After the incidents occurred, Anthony experienced a relapse in his sobriety and took medical leave and treatment under the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Anthony’s suit claims that after returning from leave, he was passed over for promotions and instead they were given to “lesser qualified Caucasian workers.”

“The significance and historical symbolism of hanging a noose over an African-American’s head is telling them you’re going to lynch them,” Donald Gist, Anthony’s lawyer, said.

Boeing told ABC News that Anthony never reported his harassment and that there is no validity to his allegations.

“Most of Mr. Anthony’s allegations were never brought to the attention of management, giving the company no opportunity to investigate these claims. The single issue he did raise (the noose) was dealt with promptly and in a fair manner,” a Boeing spokesperson said.

Boeing has fired the employee responsible for putting the noose on Anthony’s desk.

Anthony is still working for Boeing during this suit.