Photos and words by Erin Douglas 

What I love about traveling is the opportunity to meet new people and photograph them. Art Basel provided a uniquely diverse space for creatives of all backgrounds to be amongst each other.  The level of poppin’ melanin walking confidently in those Miami streets was refreshing to say the least.

This was my first time at Art Basel and it feels like I didn’t even scratch the surface, going back is definitely in future plans. People have their own opinions about it. Getting my art there one day would be amazing, but the creativity, color, culture, and people are inspiring enough. 

erinsha photography
Photo courtesy of Erin Douglas

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Here are my tips on how to do Art Basel the right way:

  • Do a little research ahead of time, but go with the flow also.
  • Skip the main show at the Convention, if you don’t mind. You’ll be thankful. Its huge and could take days to get through. Instead, hit up the satellite shows and other independent spin off shows going on.
  • Talk to as many people as you can. I started a conversation with almost every person I Lyft pooled with; which landed me a free day pass to Scope art show. It was amazing.
  • Visit Wynwood and just walk around.
  • RSVP to as many events and parties as you can, just in case you can’t get into one.
  • Network like nobody’s business.
  • Try to find as many artists of color to visit and support as possible.
  • If you are a creative of any kind, just go. 
  • Own your creativity- You don’t have to be a “artist” to do so. erinsha photography

erinsha photography