American Airlines has apologized to rapper Wale after he accused two flight attendants of racism during one of his flights.


“He is one of our best customers and we have apologized to him for the error that occurred,”an American Airlines spokesperson tells Travel Noire.


The company’s apology comes after a series of tweets that Wale posted on Twitter over the weekend.  He was venting his frustrations with the airlines after multiple delayed and canceled flights within a 10-day span. He tweeted, “stuck on the runway AGAIN.  I bet it sound like I’m wellin…nope half n hour an counting.”


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American Airlines apologized to Wale for the delay on Twitter and said the interruption was due to an aircraft maintenance issue.



That’s when things turned.


Wale replied to the apology by informing the company on Twitter that two flight attendants threatened to call the police because he was sitting in first class. “How about ur employees Megumi and Don told me ‘ur not supposed to be in first class. I’m calling the police.”



In a statement from American Airlines, a spokesperson from the company tells Travel Noire there was an error from the flight crews’ tablet that caused the confusion.


“Due to a maintenance issue prior to his departure from JFK in New York, we had to swap to a different aircraft and during the re-boarding process,” the rep says.  “Our flight attendants use tablets to greet our top customers, and to thank them. Wale is one of our top customers, but he wasn’t showing in the system on the flight attendant’s tablet.”


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According to the American Airlines spokesperson, the ticketing error happened to multiple people on the aircraft.


“He was and had always been ticketed for first class, and he indeed flew in the correct seat,” an American Airlines rep said.  “We have apologized to him for the error that occurred and we are investigating how it happened so something like this never happens again.”