The fact that Florence has a rich history and tradition that has been long preserved, offers a hint as to the many attraction sites you can visit. It’s however important to know that the best way to ensure your stay is by planning appropriately. Granted, while there may seem like endless of attractions, monuments, and museums to see, don’t make the mistake of attempting to visit most of them in a short period of time, Pace yourself, and you’re guaranteed not to miss the most important things.

Here’s a list of must-visit spots on your next visit.

The magical Bardini garden

Bardini garden is the perfect balance between the modern world and nature. Located right at the city center, the garden is a safe place from all the noise and interference. The friendly atmosphere makes it the most ideal place to have coffee while enjoying some quiet time alone or with a loved one. The design of the garden structure gives it a fascinating finish with a long walk in space that creates a sensation of walking in the forest.

The academia gallery

Florence is one of the places in the world where art is highly regarded. At the academia gallery, some of the works of world-famous artists like Michelangelo’s famous Prisoners. Other prominent artists who have their work for exhibition in the gallery include, Perugino, Giambologna, Botticelli, and Allori.

The magnificent Uffizi gallery

If you don’t know it yet, Uffizi gallery is one of the world’s biggest. Home to some of the most exquisite sculpture works of famous artists in Italy; the Uffizi gallery is an excellent place to learn more about the history of the Florentine. You should also know that some of the most important Greek sculptures are also in this museum. For the best experience, you will want to spend at least half a day in this gallery to feast your eyes on some of the most ancient creations ever made by man.

The Ponte Vecchio

The best way to keep the memories of visiting a beautiful place such as Florence is taking with distinctive backgrounds. Also known as Old ridge, Ponte Vecchio connects Uffizi to Palazzo Pitti; this bridge is a significant symbol to Florentines because it has survived a lot of disasters, both natural and man-caused.

Santa Maria Novella church

This is one of the most famous Gothic churches in the world. Housing rich artwork that was donated by wealthy patrons, this is a must-visit site for tourists. Bearing the emblem of Medici, there is so much for you to learn in this particular church. The fact that it has existed for of years makes it alive proof that historical happenings were ordinary in Florence.

Taking a single day to tour Florence will make you realize that there are so many places to visit. That is why proper planning is vital when it comes to planning your trip to Florence. It is safe to say that Florence is a perfect place to visit for your vacation because it has all the best of everything to offer the tourists.