Living abroad is the experience of a lifetime. You’ll have the chance to grow in ways that staying in your own backyard can’t give you, but what about maintaining relationships with all the people in your life that will miss you dearly? Keeping in touch stateside is already tough enough, but with a little organization and lots of commitment, your relationships will continue to grow.  Here are some ways to stay in contact with those you love even when you’re thousands of miles away.

Bi-Weekly (Or Monthly) Newsletter

Like we said, staying in touch with loved ones is going to take some commitment on your part, but thanks to technology, there are ways to make this process easier. Email can sometimes seem a little impersonal but in this case, not only does it have a personal element since you can share photos and videos of your experience abroad, but you can reach a wider range of people in your life, and you don’t have to keep up with everyone’s timezone. You can use a service like MailChimp to draft, schedule, and send your newsletters. Be sure to make to ask those you’d like to keep in touch with through this newsletter if they’d like to receive it before sending out your first one.


Remember There’s An App For That

If sending out a newsletter feels like too much of a commitment or you like to make things more personal — there’s an app for that. Since everyone doesn’t have an iPhone, Facetime may not always be the universal option, so schedule Google video chats to get some one-on-one screen time with your friends and family. Luckily, you don’t have to be at your computer to have these chats. With the apps like Google Duo, Skype, and even Facebook Messenger, you can have a video chat anywhere.

Get Social

Social media is probably one of the simplest ways to get in touch instantly. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be a great resource to keep up with your peeps across the globe. Just try to avoid FOMO.



Map Out A Schedule

Creating a schedule to chat with those you love especially where there is a major time difference will be a challenge, and will likely take a commitment from all parties involved. Cal invites are a great way to keep you and everyone on your speed dial on schedule — this might seem a little extreme, but it works!