The question of booking a round-trip or one-way ticket may come up when you’re planning your trip, although the average traveler usually plays it safe with the round-trip option. I am a traveler that almost never buys a round-trip ticket because sometimes there’s a different way to find a cheaper flight. It’s not always possible, but if you’re willing to put in a little research time, you might find a fantastic flight deal.

Be Flexible

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you have a little trouble committing to a flight plan out of fear that you might need to make a change at the last minute. This is especially true if you aren’t flying an airline like Southwest that won’t hit you with a $200 change fee. Booking a one-way ticket and booking the returning leg of your flight later might not save you on your fare, but making that choice can save you money in the long run by helping you avoid the fees to change your flight.

Book With Two Different Airlines

Unless you’re loyal to a preferred airline, shopping other airlines one-way fares is a great way to save a few dollars on your next flight. Before you hit the book button, be sure to calculate baggage fees into the overall cost because sometimes it can be a better option to go with the airline with the higher fare that includes baggage fees.

Try The Hacker Fare Tool



Kayak offers a feature called the “Hacker Fare Tool” that allows you to search your flight dates but gives you the fare of two different airlines for your travel dates, which helps take the research work off of your to-do list. Here’s how it works: search your flight dates, and look out for the “Hacker Fare” under the price and click the “View Deal” button. The Hacker Fare won’t show up under all of the options, so be sure to be on the lookout for it, so you don’t miss a great deal!