Traveling to a new country can be such an exciting thought! Planning the travel, researching different places to stay, imagining the foods you will eat; now it’s an adventure! You get all of your ducks in a row and start imagining this new and wonderful experience of a vacation. Everything at the airport goes smoothly; you pick up your luggage, arrive at your destination and immediately it starts to set in. You’re suddenly anxious about every, single, thing. Culture shock has set in. What is it and how do you fix it?

It can start with something as simple as a sign in another language and can snowball from there. Whether it’s feeling disconnected from your home and people, or not feeling welcome where you are or anything in between. Culture shock is a real thing and it can disturb even the best- intentioned getaways to another country.

A language you aren’t fluent in or even constantly deciphering a very heavy accent can trigger culture shock in some individuals. The difference in storefronts, landscaping, style of dress and social differences can all be subtle triggers that can result in horrible vacation experiences resulting from culture shock.

Experiencing and Dealing with Culture Shock

According to Miriam Webster dictionary, culture shock is, “a sense of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environment without adequate preparation.”

Preparation is the key word in preventing culture shock. Before you leave, think about how culture shock is something that could happen. Prepare yourself for the new things that lie ahead. You can do things like working on learning the local language or researching the customs of the country you’re going to visit.

Join Facebook groups in the country you’ll be in and get information from other travelers who have already been to the country you’re going to visit. Consider a group trip. Get on Google Maps and start exploring with the terrain filter on. Get to know the area and shops as well as you can virtually to keep from feeling out of sorts when you actually arrive.

Experiencing and Dealing with Culture Shock
Trevoy Kelly photography, Pixabay

If you find yourself suddenly experiencing culture shock after you arrive, there are some things you can do to help get you back in a positive mode. Go to a familiar place; it could be your hotel room, a Starbucks, a park; any place that feels like home. Call a friend or family member back home and chat for a while, tell them all of the fun things you are doing. Stay in for a day and Netflix and chill. Find or cook some of your favorite foods from home. Look for a spa and practice some self-care.

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Visiting a different country and submersing yourself into a new culture can be super exciting and nerve racking. Researching ahead of time, listening to your body during the trip and taking the time you need to adjust can ultimately keep you from experiencing severe culture shock.