If you’re reading this, chances are you have a trip coming up, or you’re getting ready to plan your next vacation. Recently, I visited Negril, Jamaica for a quick weekend trip. Negril is known for being home to The World’s Largest Caribbean Party Series, Dream Weekend, as well as many tourist attractions. However, the most critical element of a great trip isn’t picking a great location,  but rather budgeting how you’ll afford life before, during and after vacation. While on my trip, I was faced with the temptation of overspending, because hey, I’m on vacation, so YOLO! But after my experiences on this trip, I’ve developed a 5 point guide to help you stick to your vacation budget.


budget tips
Photo courtesy of Denille Ashwood
Set a daily budget


I know it can be challenging to set a daily budget, but your bank account will thank you for it. Set some time aside before your trip to prepare a reasonable budget for your time away. Be sure to account all of the daily necessities like food and transportation costs. If you plan on visiting paid attractions or go on a few tours, make sure that you make a note of it. Now that you’ve set your budget, it’ll be easier to stick to because you have it documented on paper or in a budgeting app. As you make your daily purchases, be sure to account for them in your budget so you’ll be able to review it at the end of the day and assess how well you’ve done!

Travel with people on a similar budget


I shared with you the beauty of traveling with friends, so I’m sure you’ve got your #VacaySquad ready! But how does their vacation budget look? Is there a significant gap between your budget and theirs? If the answer to the previous question is yes, then consider the following.  Traveling with big spenders is a sure way to become a big spender yourself! For example, if you planned to have fast food for dinner, but your travel buddy, Spendthrift Sally, wants to have dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town, that could be problematic. You might think overspending isn’t so bad if it’s just one night out you didn’t budget for, but that evening could burn out your entire food budget for the period. Pick your travel buddies carefull,y.

Don’t waste your money on Souvenirs


Yes, you promised your coworkers souvenirs from your trip, I know. However, souvenirs can be big expenses that add very little value to you or the person you’re gifting. Let’s be honest, how many souvenirs have you bought along the way and still use today? And it’s tempting, I know! I’m a proud Jamaican, and I find myself tempted to buy Jamaican souvenirs while on vacation. I can only imagine how tempted I’d be to buy souvenirs if I were visiting a foreign country. If you must purchase souvenirs, opt for ones unique to the area, so t-shirts, keychains and mugs are out! Spend wisely!


Eat where locals eat


Listen, I’m not trying to steal from the splendor that is your vacation, instead, I’m trying to help you afford another one quickly. Dining out can possibly burn a hole in your travel budget if you don’t plan properly. While every tourist destination will undoubtedly be filled with many restaurants with overpriced food, you can enjoy delicious local food at a reasonable cost! While I was in Negril, street food was my best friend, along with the daily stop to Naila’s Beach Bar. Naila’s was a great example of local food, that was delicious and inexpensive. I’ll dive more into the eats of Negril in another post so look out for it!

Avoid expensive tours


A significant aspect of planning the perfect vacation is research. Be sure to find all you need to know about local tours before you arrive at your destination. There are tour companies that make a serious profit from tourists who are unaware of the real value of the tour experience. Be sure to shop around and get the best bang for your buck! Airbnb not only offers affordable housing options, but you can also find great tour options and other experiences there as well.


Photo courtesy of Denille Ashwood

It was my pleasure sharing a few of my travel tips with you. I hope this post helps! Be sure to follow me on Instagram for travel inspiration and tips @yourtravellingpen!


Written by Denille Ashwood

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